Curing w/ Flavors????


New Member
I just cure my bud in a little tin of tangerine sour altoids I eat all but 4, then I put the buds on top on the candy's and close the tin and put it in a warm, but NOT TO HOT, like a window sill in an A/C'd house, if it gets too hot it will melt to your bud and be nasty and sticky! but I leave them there over night, then in the next day they taste and smell AMAZING! You might like the apple flavored ones, if so use them but tangerine is my favorite!


Well-Known Member
Note: What I'm about to say isn't from personal experience, it's all from a friend of mine.

Now, my friend (and I, too) LOVES oranges. Like, he'll eat a whole bag of oranges in a day if he can. Loves orange chocolate, orange craisins, orange anything.

He doesn't really grow much, he's done it a few times. He doesn't like the work (he's kinda lazy). On his last grow, as an experiment, he decided that orange flavored bud would be *awesome*. Which would be. Super awesome.

What he claims he did, was this:

He took his freshly harvested bud, put it the bottom of his curing jar, and put some paper towel down, and put half a mostly dehydrated orange on top. And then he let the curing process continue as normal.

According to him, it worked out amazingly, and he ever gets his hands on some fresh bud, he'd do it again.

He claims it works because a mostly dehydrated orange doesn't have enough moisture to evaporate/get moldy and ruin the curing, but isn't so dry that it wouldn't put out orange aroma.

Again, he did this before I ever knew him, so I dunno if it's true or not (but I don't know that he's ever lied to me before). So if anyone decides to try anything similar, don't blame me if something goes terribly wrong. :mrgreen:

I've got a crop growing right now, and I'm thinking of trying it out. Probably only try it on 10 grams or so of the whole crop, so if it ends in catastrophe, I won't be ruining my whole crop.


Active Member
dude i reckon vannila essance would be sick or something like that apparenly people use like pure cordial as well but i dont know about that


Well-Known Member
i throw an orange peel in with a jar of bud for a few hours every once in a while. it moistens the bud and infuses it with citrus oils.


Well-Known Member
I have done some extensive experimentation with this. the only thing I have found is like citrus, is really good to ad to a jar of weed. after it is dry use a lime or an orange peel to re-moisten the weed and it seems to always keep that flavor, but it will disipate with time. The drug store in my home-town sells candy flavor. we cut the plant and slit the base of the stem, then for the last week it sat in strawberry water,
that was interesting, pink weed. the plant absorbs color during growth, and also flavor. we did blueberry, Vanilla (sweeet) and grape.(novelty sells quick!!!!!)
This make an interesting flavor, but you'll notice it burns a little faster. also a nice addition to hash. I think you'll find that you like it more natural than anything. I hesitate to use anything that isn't natural because I don't know what I am smoking. ginger is very appealing, just grate it into your jar after everything is dry.
I have also used garlic from time to time. to spice it up ....4 more of a skunk flavor. good luck
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Well-Known Member
Hey Party Girl Try Lemon Or Orange Skin
yea bluntstuffer, i used to use orange skin in schwag to improve the flavor. it gave it a nice orange aroma with decent flavor! also used to use the peels to re-moisten the herb. im sure lemon would have worked just as well.


Well-Known Member
i usually cut up an Orange or Bannana peel and put them in the curing jar.

gives off a hint of whatever you put in thier.

but mostly Orange for flavor.


Well-Known Member
One time I tried adding flavor by water curing and throwing in a mint teabag. It worked in that there was a definite mint overtone to the smoke, but it was very harsh and if I used any filter papers or just looked at the roach I noticed the rolling paper would get VERY brown and nasty looking. A little sketchy to think all that shit was going into my lungs...
Wouldn't do that again.


Well-Known Member
People just refuse to read the threads don't they? If you want real flavor I have one word for you my friend:

Rich Creamery Butter


Well-Known Member
First off, don't put your weed in an altoid tin. If that sugar gets on the bud its gonna burn harsher. And second, what does dippin it in whiskey do? Make it taste like whiskey? What about hennesy =P I might have to try that after I water cure my harvest in a few weeks.
I remember when I was a kid my parents would take cloves, stick em in an orange, and let them deodorize the house. That could work too, and would smell amazing.
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Well-Known Member
what ive read from these answers is the stupidest shit ever, can anyone actually help this guy with CURING and not fucking retarded ass comments of adding shit to your weed you fucking tools, goddamnit read the fucking post and if you dont know what CURING is, dont give advice


Well-Known Member
what ive read from these answers is the stupidest shit ever, can anyone actually help this guy with CURING and not fucking retarded ass comments of adding shit to your weed you fucking tools, goddamnit read the fucking post and if you dont know what CURING is, dont give advice
the title of the thread is curing with flavors. i stand by my previous comments. put some citrus peels in the jar with it. not too long or your bud will get damp and harsh. to cure bud, first dry it, then put it in an air tight container and leave it in a dark place for as long as you want. the longer the better. 100% dry 100% air tight.


Active Member
you can put them in a paper bag with some orange and lemon peels it will add a citrus smell and taste and also keep buds fresh if they are getting crispy


Well-Known Member
After dried, at the begining of curing, how would a drop of extract in the jar work??? Man, you could have any flavor/scent that you, cinnamon, almond, vanilla, orange, etc.etc. Would be interesting to find out how that would work.



New Member
I like the taste of my weed, but I have put my weed in an altoid tin, and it dose add a really good flavor, and didn't seem to make them harsh at all!


Well-Known Member
my weed taste like fresh lemons....just treat your plants well and they will taste good for you. jeez


Well-Known Member
what ive read from these answers is the stupidest shit ever, can anyone actually help this guy with CURING and not fucking retarded ass comments of adding shit to your weed you fucking tools, goddamnit read the fucking post and if you dont know what CURING is, dont give advice

You are stupid, I can see that by your gallery. Nice setup. fucker
No need to hinder people who are just trying to learn. Save your comments for your Myspace tool face. Oh yeah get a light. did you expect those shwag seeds to come out looking like a brick??? There is good information on here if you take the time to read it. You are articulate though.

V ReD<i>


Well-Known Member
And second, what does dippin it in whiskey do? Make it taste like whiskey? What about hennesy =P I might have to try that after I water cure my harvest in a few weeks.
LOL, wow, u were doing good with the whole Altiod thing, sugar does burn pretty bad, but I think most people put them in the tin so the sent of the tin get in there kinda like after u wash a pickle jar it still has that sent even tho u washed it out.....

But putting alcohol on ur weed is for ONE purpose only:

Making tinture.....

THC is not Water soluble, BUT it IS soluble in alcohol!!! This means if u put wiskey in ur weed it may taste like wiskey but it is gonna loose a lot of THC content depending on how long u let it sit to absorb the flavor of the wiskey, u prob better off tossing the weed and drinking the wiskey if u go that route!! The wiskey will get u fuk'd up just like eatting, drink wait for an hour and there u go, it is kinda cool if u like booze, as long as u ain't trying to get drunk, by the time the alcohol buzz is fadding the THC is kicking in!

PS. If wiskey flavor is what u are after, put some in the jars u want to cure in, let it sit for a while (longer the better) dump and dry and close lid, it is ready for cure, like the Altiod idea... Or do same but soak but put some wood chips or like a paint sstir stick and let them soak, put these dried chips in with ur weed easy to make sure its dry and remove when u want.
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