Curing multiple strains within one container? Other ways to utilize as few hygrometers as possible?


Well-Known Member
Hi friends.

This last harvest I lost 55g's of Northern Lights to a failed cure. The jar I was using had a very narrow mouth and there wasn't enough air exchange happening when I opened it. I failed to notice. The result was a minor case of aspergillus, which contaminated the jar, and I had to get rid of it.

As I approach my next harvest, I'm considering my options. I've decided to take no risk and use a hygrometer to aid curing. (I did this originally when I started growing, but stopped eventually because I felt confident about eyeballing)

However, I can't really afford to buy a bunch of hygrometers, and I usually cure in like 5-10 jars, because I grow multiple strains and I fractional harvest and keep the different ages in different jars as well.

At 25-50 a pop for the accurate ones, I don't really have the funds to buy a bunch.

So the idea I had was... can I get away with putting a bunch of bud in different jars without lids (or even some kind of baskets that would breathe better than an open jar, small paper bags?) inside a larger container (maybe a rubbermaid?) and just monitor the humidity in the whole chamber? I am even considering rigging up a humidity detector that will handle the air exchanges for me by activating a small computer fan mounted in a hole in the side of the rubbermaid.

The obvious upside of this is that I would only need one hygrometer for my entire crop.

The primary downside I am concerned with is what would happen to the smell/taste... I feel like everything would blend, but maybe not too bad?

Do any of you have any solutions to the many-jars-but-few-hygrometers problem?
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Well-Known Member
I guess the other obvious concern is that if mold DID form it would spread it's spores throughout everything. Fuck, I didn't think of that.

But I suppose if it's done right it would guarantee mold not form...

Maybe back to the drawing board.... or maybe I'll just bite the bullet and buy a bunch of hygrometer lids or the cheap digitals off ebay even though they're not very accurate...

Dan Drews

Well-Known Member
Altar - what I would do is buy one good hygrometer, then buy several of the cheap, analog hygrometers, put them in the same place and match the readings. Check the results over a few days and notice that most will be close to the 'good' hygrometer's reading so use those in your jars. When you have the buds in the cure zone, you can take out the hygrometers and put in a Boveda 62 and know the humidity is being regulated in the 'good' zone.