Curing...Mason Jar Size?


Well-Known Member
I use a method from a post called "A Perfect Cure Every Time." I use mason jars and a Caliber III hydrometer to monitor the humidity. I've been using the jars that are the size of a standard jar of spaghetti sauce.

These Caliber III hydrometers aren't too expensive ($25), but when you are filling 30 jars it can be pricey. So my question is, can you use larger mason jars? I've seen mason jars that hold 1 to 2 gallons. I have only have 10 Caliber III hydrometers and I like to not have to buy another 20. Does the size of the jar matter?
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Well-Known Member
Those are only good for after curing to keep buds stable. Not for the actual curing process. Unless you throw all your old crusty packs in a jar to cure the buds. The packs might absorb the moisture. Not sure, I don't cure that way.