Curing in Stages...


Active Member
I've been staggering my harvest and was wondering if it's okay to combine batches at different stages. I have some bud that's been curing for a few weeks and some that has been hung and dried and ready to begin curing. I have a large glass container to store all of my stash, and would like all of my nugs in once place. Any issues throwing the freshly dried stuff in with the semi cured nugs?

Thanks for the help!:eyesmoke::joint:


Well-Known Member
Haven't gotten to that stage yet, but I think if the ones that are hung up are dry enough, it shouldn't hurt.


Well-Known Member
Throw them in and enjoy in a few. some people like to keep them different to observe what strain taste like what and what the potency is but it wont matter as long as they all are dry enough to cure you wont have to trip on mold ruining your older stuff etc.


Well-Known Member
Unless it's all the same strain, I'd separate them. One strain for sleep, one for work, one for partying etc


Scientia Cannabis
You shouldn't throw fresh bud into a jar with semi-cured bud.
You will change the RH and the semi-cured bud will start gaining more moisture = longer curing time and maybe mold problems if you aren't careful.

And as obi said, you should separate them by strain.


Well-Known Member
The reason not to throw uncured bud together loose with cured is because the uncured will transfer moisture to the cured.

So now your already-cured bud won't be smokable until it dries out again. Why would you want to do that?

Also, if your new bud were contaminated or you were to make a mistake curing it, in theory you could get mold, and that mold from your new bud could ruin your already cured bug. Unlikely, but why take a chance?

If all your bud is from the same strain or plant, you could combine it AFTER its all been cured.

If the stuff is from different strains, most people would prefer to keep them separate to appreciate their individual characteristics, rather than making a "salad".


Active Member
Totally agree on the separation of strains! This is actually the same plant. I harvested the tops due to mold, and I let the lower branches go about 1.5 weeks longer. I wanna cure the nugs from this one plant in the same jar. Thanks for the input guys!


Active Member
So if I'm planning on curing this batch long term not an issue right? I have bud to smoke i wanna get the best taste and smell possible!


Scientia Cannabis
So if I'm planning on curing this batch long term not an issue right? I have bud to smoke i wanna get the best taste and smell possible!
It shouldn't be no, but you have to watch your curing jars carefully to make sure the fresh bud isn't bringing too much moisture in the jar and thereby creating the perfect environment for mold.