Cure for Cancer found!


Well-Known Member
Well, that analogy was pretty ignorant... When you show me the army of smurfs running around then I'll buy into your chicken hawk paranoia. Until then try to use a little reasoning and explain why there are so few blue peeps for the amount of peeps taking colloidal silver, m'kay?
Because it should be fairly harmless in small quantities. However, unlike that article you quoted states; you can turn blue from ingesting too much. Fortunately, most people don't intake enough to turn blue. Folks that make their own seem to be at more risk than others.


Well-Known Member
It's not that... It's the fact that you want to act like a douche - I got my hands full with nancy boy buck. I don't need to deal with another closed minded simpleton that wants someone to prove to them the sky is blue - or should I say the people? But either way, you aren't worth my time :neutral:
Man, you're just flinging the insult all willy-nilly this evening. Way to keep it classy.


Well-Known Member
It's not that... It's the fact that you want to act like a douche - I got my hands full with nancy boy buck. I don't need to deal with another closed minded simpleton that wants someone to prove to them the sky is blue - or should I say the people? But either way, you aren't worth my time :neutral:
I said my hands were full cause I was taking a piss, sissy boy. Now go pull a Hemingway and get your twelve-gauge out and be a man about it. Try not to crap your pants.
you named your penis 'nancy boy buck'?



Well-Known Member
hahahaha first off u have to much knowagle ............second off the info u just told shows what and who u work with .........thrid before u get in the pit u should know who u are facing (your engery is weak much much weaker then mine)..............fourth u want to go there fine with me ...we both know there is a permit shuttle going once a month to bring in supplies.............if u have any juice u will find me and if u still have the balls to play ............ snag me up i can clear 18 hours for some fun
Well, I can't get you on the supply ship.....unless....would you mind being frozen?

It is quite temporary I assure and said to be somewhat relaxing. For Free. IAC, better get up here. I have a very busy schedule. Speaking at Andromeda Prime, next month.

Dueling was banned on Earth 3 years ago...unless with handguns, how droll.

At least I care enough to type correctly.


Well-Known Member
you named your penis 'nancy boy buck'?

Obviously you are too stupid to understand the whole "hands were full cause I was taking a piss" sarcasm bit... But it's nice to know that you are sooooooooo into me that you think you are being clever and calling me out on "literal" discrepancies. It seems you have been "into me" ever since you saw my avatar. I can't help it you are a closet homosexual. But in this day and age, I would think that you would be assured that there is nothing wrong with having sexual attraction for the same sex - just not me, I'm not into that.

Now that hopefully we buried the hatchet and have come to the understanding that, no, I'm not interested in any kind of physical relationship with you or any other male, I will simply put you on ignore and no longer acknowledge you or your little circle jerk buddies on this site. So, I guess this is it - relish yourself in the fact that you win... Ya, you are a winner alright, lol



Well-Known Member
There will never be a cure for any virus, only possible vaccinations against it. There has never been any virus ever cured or eliminated. As for magic, he has HIV and not AIDS. If you do not know the difference then you need to do a lot more reading.


Well-Known Member
Well, except other, nano-taylored virus. We get yearly booster shots with broad spectrum nano-bots. You can't really say they are virus any more. Much vicious to most virus, with a nano encoder to preserve the benficial ones. Those we use in cloning so they must be protected. Just takes money.

Not available to the trools, of course. And there is nothing I can do about that one.


Well-Known Member
Well, except other, nano-taylored virus. We get yearly booster shots with broad spectrum nano-bots. You can't really say they are virus any more. Much vicious to most virus, with a nano encoder to preserve the benficial ones. Those we use in cloning so they must be protected. Just takes money.

Not available to the trools, of course. And there is nothing I can do about that one.

Wow, thanks for letting me know you are crazy. Now I know not to engage you in future conversation.


Well-Known Member
man he is going to be fun to cut open and see what he done to himself the stuip fool

and it is not settled untill your side is wiped out .........your the ones that started it..........and if they did not listen u just wiped out whole races ..........your side has commited genoicide so many times becuase they would not bow and fallow u orders and rules and now u are about to do it again here.............. come in all we can help we love u then fricken cattle them like the sheep turn them into puppets for your master and food for the soilders..............the only thing that is any good news is your time table has been shot all to hell becuase your fricken puppet wants more control and power before tells the world about u

i am so going to enjoy ripping the spine from that body .........take the tech out and well turn it against the rest of them


Well-Known Member
man he is going to be fun to cut open and see what he done to himself the stuip fool

and it is not settled untill your side is wiped out .........your the ones that started it..........and if they did not listen u just wiped out whole races ..........your side has commited genoicide so many times becuase they would not bow and fallow u orders and rules and now u are about to do it again here.............. come in all we can help we love u then fricken cattle them like the sheep turn them into puppets for your master and food for the soilders..............the only thing that is any good news is your time table has been shot all to hell becuase your fricken puppet wants more control and power before tells the world about u

i am so going to enjoy ripping the spine from that body .........take the tech out and well turn it against the rest of them
Well, we won't let ourselves be taken. I have no control over the thermo-nuetrinon flux device and you know there is no way to contain that. That is really is why we spend most time off Terra out at the artificial, Lx and Ly points...these trools can be quite tedious. What you might find on Terra in my clone, but not if he, sorry, it, finds you first. It can't type with hammer hands, so you won't find it on the (snicker) internet. Have you checked sub-9, yet?

Never mind. I didn't say it was there.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Isn't colloidal silver a deadly toxin to humans?
colloidal silver causes you to turn blue, but it takes a shitload to kill you. you would die from a weed OD before you died from colloidal silver.

but you will look like a smurf.

no shit.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

This is crazy! Has anyone else seen this?
meh, it's more scientifically sound than "organic food diets and coffee enemas" but it's still unproved.

the assumption of conspiracy is retarded. his plan is a different chemotherapy, and chemo is dangerous.

remember this thoiugh, "documentaries" are not proof of shit, and are often full of lies.


Loose Change versions 1-8
An Inconvenient Truth
Michael Moore's entire catalog.


Well-Known Member

The upside is that you can join these guys and save money on paint.
They're Eiffel 65, a "dance music group" from the late 90's/early 00's.

Ironically they're Italian even though their name references the French landmark...

Chewed the jaw off myself to all that back then... Good times :)