Cure for Cancer found!


Well-Known Member
no see that is where u forgot to add in the adaption factor ............sooner or later anything u take the body adjusts too and then the effects u want no longer work with out going to stronger stuff ........given this the hiv drugs are immune supressors anlong with anti viral and several other combos as time goes on the hiv moves to full blown aids and the person immune system is completely gone and a cold kills u

he has had it for 20 plus years the virus should have moved to the final part several years back ..............this is simple 6th grade scince here looking at a picture from before he was sick and now it is just aging u see no sign of sickness ...............he said he was sick he stopped and dropped of the map for awhile and then popped back up

and as for toxic to humans they pump your ass full of toxic shit every day (have the pills on the market treat the effects they do not go for the cuase and try to cure ppl ) there is more money in making u feel like u are ok then actually curing u of the sickness


Well-Known Member
Well, I already own a full clone of myself. I want to have at least 6. That way I am covered for all my organ transplants through least the 150 more years.

Oh it costs. But, I'm in the secret Republican Free Money Society. Finally! (psstt I'm secretly not even a Republican)

I used to have to rob my own graves....embarrassing to say. Yes, lots have changed in the last 182 years.

I have a Soul Print Card already, so I'm set there, as well.

Yep secret immortality and of course, I had that cancer cure 17 times already....It works, but costly and secret private medicine can also be dangerous if the general population finds out. Well, the Society has ways to make sure secrets are keep.

I haven't seen that cancer cure in the newspaper like that since 1653. Back then we had to murder fresh, and I remember thinking maybe this will produce less corpses now the trools (that's what we them) have found out. But, no. The trools didn't believe it then and I bet they won't believe it now. And we don't need the trools any longer for parts.

Oh, wait....what? Sorry, Robert, my, ehh...,simulation, has just told me the ship is ready for launch. I'm attending the opening of the Exo-Marine exhibit of the Interplanetary Association, on the Dark Side. There will be a showing of the interesting new finds from Europa.....ta ta, Trools. That could be in the papers one day!

Yeah, well fun cost money. :)
if u have a soul print already then that makes u a enemy to me all the time is all well and good but doing it by natural means doing this way is stepping over a line that should never be crossed becuase it leads to some horrible choices in the name of longer live and evolotion

the means of harvesting a clones organs what is to stop u from gentical altering them and then using them to increase certin things ...............this is stepping into the area of sheer wrong if someone dies and as a last good deed they offer a lung or heart to someone so they can live out the days is a good thing comes out of compassion


Well-Known Member
Exciting video...yet no peer reviewed results.

A damn shame too, have a family member with the big C now.


Well-Known Member
if u have a soul print already then that makes u a enemy to me all the time is all well and good but doing it by natural means doing this way is stepping over a line that should never be crossed becuase it leads to some horrible choices in the name of longer live and evolotion

the means of harvesting a clones organs what is to stop u from gentical altering them and then using them to increase certin things ...............this is stepping into the area of sheer wrong if someone dies and as a last good deed they offer a lung or heart to someone so they can live out the days is a good thing comes out of compassion
I'm sorry. Was that for my clone? He, I mean it, of course. It's in the gym and can't answer. After it's last round of the cock
strengthening, lengthening, thickening, etc., I have the secret operation with Free Money.

It's called a full additsdicktome.

The Soul Print card was not that difficult to get. But, very costly without the Free Money discount.


Well-Known Member
it'll turn you into a smurf, and it will accumulate in your tissues and exacerbate health problems and interfere with medications, but i have not heard that it is a deadly toxin.
Haha... Proving once again you are the simpleton I previously stated. You seem to pick and chose which old wives tales to buy into... Thousands are taking colloidal silver and you talk about the one person that turned blue from it... You are such a tool.


Well-Known Member
all the anti-semitism that you can muster won't change into a reputable medical journal.

any medical professional in the world would be chomping at the bit to tout the cure for AIDS. no imagined conspiracy of yours will ever change this fact. the fact is that there is no evidence for your claim, plain and simple.

do get back to me when there is ample evidence to support your assertion (anti-semitism is no substitute for evidence, in case you were planning on trying that again).
Haha... I am of semitic descent, so I doubt anti-semite would fit in this case... anti-khazar, maybe :/


Well-Known Member
Haha... Proving once again you are the simpleton I previously stated. You seem to pick and chose which old wives tales to buy into... Thousands are taking colloidal silver and you talk about the one person that turned blue from it... You are such a tool.
turning blue is a well known side effect of colloidal silver, it has turned far more than one person blue.

the same can not be said for colloidal silver curing AIDS.

still waiting on those studies from reputable medical journals from ya.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry. Was that for my clone? He, I mean it, of course. It's in the gym and can't answer. After it's last round of the cock
strengthening, lengthening, thickening, etc., I have the secret operation with Free Money.

It's called a full additsdicktome.

The Soul Print card was not that difficult to get. But, very costly without the Free Money discount.
no it was ment for the orginal ....a choice is comming soon and u have to make.............the rest of it will play out from there .......rom the sound of it u are not one that should stick around u worry about yourself instead of thinking about others ...........we do not need greedy ppl it just cuases more troubles later

if all the rich ass bitches out there would just spend the money it would not be so bad but no they want more and more .........i am sorry if u can not live off half million bucks a year u need to be kilt for wasting resources that could feed 1000 ppl


Well-Known Member
Oh, no. I think about others. I use proper spelling, diction, capitalization, etc. I don't come on here with a cell phone mentality. So that's one thing.

If I can get you a minor Soul Print, would that make you happy? (happy not available in minor prints)

It goes all the way down in price, so I don't. Mind. They still think secretly that my secret about secretly not being entitled the Free Money, is safe with them. It is that they actually, technically do not know. A secret...never mind.

So, most folks,( it is a bit under the table,) you understand....they will choose either angry or stupid for the next 50 years. I mean if you only get one thing.....

So, minor prints...get yer minor Soul Print over here....


Well-Known Member
Jews aren't semites, you dweeb... They are of Khazar descent.
Care to explain how they aren't? The dictionary seems to disagree with you.

Definition of SEMITE
1 a : a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs
b : a descendant of these peoples

2: a member of a modern people speaking a Semitic language


Well-Known Member
Oh, no. I think about others. I use proper spelling, diction, capitalization, etc. I don't come on here with a cell phone mentality. So that's one thing.

If I can get you a minor Soul Print, would that make you happy? (happy not available in minor prints)

It goes all the way down in price, so I don't. Mind. They still think secretly that my secret about secretly not being entitled the Free Money, is safe with them. It is that they actually, technically do not know. A secret...never mind.

So, most folks,( it is a bit under the table,) you understand....they will choose either angry or stupid for the next 50 years. I mean if you only get one thing.....

So, minor prints...get yer minor Soul Print over here....
soul printing is something that is wrong i want nothing to do with other then wiping the tech off the face of this planet ..................techinally u are a soulless bastard now the only thing getting copied or printed are the memories u have gained and that can be done with a simple helmet and the right software

u do not even see what is wrong with it becuase u are just trapped in the rat race and think u are ahead u done nothing but doomed yourself to something u never imaged was possible ..................i like to help and i am on some down time the only reason i even expose myself to this is just for the fact i might help one person out there and that is one more for later to help others can not save them all but i can try and sleep with clean karma

at this point sir u are nothing but a soulless copy of something that could have been great all becuase u wanted to take the tech route and get there faster .............i do thank yah for turning a few of the locks in my head but damn only thing i can offer is mercy of a swift death if ever meet on a feild


Well-Known Member
When I was a young lad there was an old "blue" lady that I used to see every Sunday walking to church and back. I never knew what the cause of her blueness but I can tell you I had more than one nightmare about her. Also I heard somewhere that Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer.


Well-Known Member
Dude!!! There is your problem right there!! Camel toes!@!!

Blue huh? Did you know they say Shri Lord Kirshna was blue? A hole in the heart.

Improper oxygenation can turn you saint or witch, I imagine. :)


Well-Known Member
Care to explain how they aren't? The dictionary seems to disagree with you.

Definition of SEMITE
1 a : a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs
b : a descendant of these peoples

2: a member of a modern people speaking a Semitic language
I'm not going to get into a debate with you about what the dictionary says as I have gone off topic enough in this thread - seems Uncle Buck brings out the worst in me. Start a thread about "semites", maybe I'll join in.


Well-Known Member
For all those worried about turning blue from colloidal silver, I found this online:

Fraudulent information is being circulated about Colloidal Silver in an effort to discredit both the product and those who produce it. In some cases people have unwittingly contaminated themselves with Silver Chlorides, having been led to believe they were making Colloidal Silver in their homes. Silver Chloride contamination causes a condition called argyria, which is irreversible. There are NO KNOWN cases of pure Colloidal Silver causing Argyria, neither it is possible to get argyria from Colloidal Silver. Argyria is the result of ingesting large quantities of toxic silver into the body which then causes the skin to turn grey or grey-blue. Toxic Silver substances like Silver Chlorides or Nitrates photo-reduce (activated by sunlight) and appear as a permanent stain on the skin. Silver Chloride and Nitrates were once widely used Pharmaceutical products, doctors prescribed these in low concentrations so as not to cause dreaded argyria. As with many other products people overdosed on these silver based products and developed argyria. Today, uniformed medical professionals in and outside the Natural Health community have suggested Colloidal Silver may be in the same category as Chlorides or Nitrates, which is a false conclusion. Pure Colloidal Silver will not cause argyria regardless of how much a person ingests. It is physically impossible to drink such a large quantity of Colloidal Silver to cause argyria.
It seems these people that turn bluish-grey had taken shortcuts in making their colloidal silver, thereby turning themselves "blue" - for instance, using tab water instead of the necessary distilled water.


Well-Known Member
soul printing is something that is wrong i want nothing to do with other then wiping the tech off the face of this planet ..................techinally u are a soulless bastard now the only thing getting copied or printed are the memories u have gained and that can be done with a simple helmet and the right software

u do not even see what is wrong with it becuase u are just trapped in the rat race and think u are ahead u done nothing but doomed yourself to something u never imaged was possible ..................i like to help and i am on some down time the only reason i even expose myself to this is just for the fact i might help one person out there and that is one more for later to help others can not save them all but i can try and sleep with clean karma

at this point sir u are nothing but a soulless copy of something that could have been great all becuase u wanted to take the tech route and get there faster .............i do thank yah for turning a few of the locks in my head but damn only thing i can offer is mercy of a swift death if ever meet on a feild
Are you sure you have tin foil shiny side right? The Top Drawer Soul Cards are copyRight. Welcome, in almost all neighborhood galaxies in our local cluster. Are you sure? Even the minor, stupid soul card, (no promises, OK?) will let you on the secret Free Money transport to Luna. You can join me in the Arena, say dawn. My choice, I believe. Your challenge.

Let us see. The Sir Richard Branson Lava Dome Arena has no artificial gravity...but you know that. You dare challenge a Top Drawer Soul to duel after already legally being informed I was transit to Luna and so could challenged. You dog. Fine.

9 cubit quarter-staffs, then. Any material you want. Knock yourself out. Hee...a hee hee....a little dueling funny..whatever.

I'll tell you right now I'll have 9 cubits of hard English oak....

Shall we say at Venus Transit then? Right, VT it is... Oh my. The card. Perhaps you better choose anger, but it's only 20 years. Sorry.