cucumber leafs all floppy and strenght help!!!!!


Well-Known Member
the first time it happened i just watered them and they came back perfectly...that was about 2 weeks ago then i transplanted them...and a week late or yesterday i noticed it i watered them and 12 hours later there even more wilty!!! help i dont no the ph my cheap meter says about 6.5 idk how accurate it is. i feed it some nitrogen stuff 2 days ago. then plain water last night...any ideas?


Well-Known Member
ok maybe a couple of factors for your sick plant

Heat / cold

too much watering

to much fertilizer

. i would back off with the fertilizer or use a very watered down mix.
i would also keep an eye on temps

personaly they look overwatered and over fed. it is still a young plant so cut back on your fertilizer, only water when first 1inch or so of soil is dry and dont soak them when feeding/watering.

taken from my seeding packet for cucumber care:
grow on seedlings at around 13-15'c (55-60'f)
hardened off standing outside for a few days in may ( avoid cold at all costs)


Well-Known Member
Cukes, cabbage,broc,caul,brussel sprouts need lots of water when they need them @ dark. When i plant my garden outside these plants always look somewhat like that but not dead. They do not need water when the sun is directly on them. They usually perk up @ dark cooler periods. But during hot periods they look like they need water but they do not.Hope this helps but i grow all that stuff outdoors.


Well-Known Member
Cucumbers need temperatures between about 60 - 80 degrees to be happy. Any lower or higher will cause slight issues but they will recover. They also drink enormous amounts of water especially when they are producing fruits, but you also don't want the growing medium to stay soaked. If possible try to give them 6-8 hours of morning sun & some very slight shade in the heat of the afternoon. Hope this info. helps some. Almost can drop the nutes for now in my opinion. I know they use some nitrogen down the line in their growth.


When are you watering your plants?? If your watering them while their in direct sun you might be actually boiling them to some degree. Its like johnny said make sure your watering them at sun down and ya you prolly dont need any nutes this early.