CT scan later this week for a lump on my chest, pretty terrified right now.


Well-Known Member
About a week ago while shaving I noticed a lump on the left side of my chest on top of the inner clavicle. It doesn't hurt at all, it's soft and besides the fact there is a lump everything feels normal. I went to the Doc yesterday and he was convinced it was a cyst and said he would drain it but when the needle went in no liquid came out and I heard him mention "lipoma" to one of his assistants. He then told me I needed a CT scan to be on the safe side.
About 2 months ago I started lifting again to get back in shape so maybe it has something to do with that but I had a cousin die at an early age of leukemia so I'm pretty much scared shitless now. none of my lymph nodes are swollen, and I feel 100% fine but this has made me think more about my life and the things I might not be able to accomplish. I don't want to jump to any conclusions early but I always expect the worst and as much as I play it off to my parents this has got my really worried. this sucks :shock:


Well-Known Member
A lipoma is a benign tumor composed of fatty tissue. They are the most common form of soft tissue tumor.[1] Lipomas are soft to the touch, usually movable, and are generally painless. Many lipomas are small (under one centimeter diameter) but can enlarge to sizes greater than six centimeters. Lipomas are commonly found in adults from 40 to 60 years of age, but can also be found in children. Some sources claim that malignant transformation can occur,[2] while others say that this has yet to be convincingly documented.[3]

Doesnt seem too bad dude... good luck.

Juan Valdez

Active Member
this is crazy! first off im on RIU almost everyday, 2-3 days ago i noticed a lump in the middle of my ribcage its about the size of a quarter, pretty hard, doesnt move, and the thing thats bugging me out is that its seems internal, you cant see it unless i suck in my stomach and lean back. anyways, funny thing is that I just started searching around about it a few minutes ago, found this site called righthealth.com clicked on the first link/article and it brought me here to your thread on RIU!!! maybe us weed heads are just a little paranoid!

lemme know how the ct scan goes bro, very interested.

goodluck peace