Cruising LOS SANTOS in GTA 5?


Active Member

Who else has been cruising around Los Santos and through the Vinewood Hills with some dope rides fresh out of Los Santos Customs?

GTA 5 is the best game ever released, and I can't get enough! Still got acres of land to go explore and see what I can find :)

bongsmilie Blitzed


im jelly, i have been wanting to buy this game but because im broke havent been able to :(you suck lol


New Member
Haha I stopped buying them after (I forget the name) the one after Vice City, because you had to work out and eat and shit. If I wanted to deal with real-world consequences of as sedentary lifestyle, I wouldn't be playing friggin GTA!

Does this game still have all that crap? Because I won't buy it if it does...but I want to buy it so please tell me that's gone!


Active Member
That shit was gone with gta 4, which came out like 5 years ago
Rockstar is the heaviest company when it comes to making games, GTA has always been my fav, and I think it deserves the most respect out of any game .... just cuz its way too effing sick

and they never fail with GTA.... in my opinion


New Member
That's good news, I really loved GTA right up until that nonsense and it immediately lost my interest. I'm not much of a gamer, so I wasn't hip to all the new haps, daddio.

Now off to Amazon


Active Member
...and it'll be here Wednesday.
Nope, changed it to 1 day shipping haha I am a man child
..also something stoney to love about the game - with my dude Franklin in his Vinewood home, i can hit the bong sitting on the table by hitting right on the D-pad.... lmao legit!

GTA is the cat's meow


New Member
So how many have I missed now that didn't have that real life nonsense in it? I feel like I should get caught up now

... Looks like just IV, maybe I'll get that too.

Okay kids, see you Tuesday.


Well-Known Member
just got my copy.. bartered an 8th of shrooms for it... still wrapped in plastic :D gotta love taking the time to grow some killer fungi


Well-Known Member
So how many have I missed now that didn't have that real life nonsense in it? I feel like I should get caught up now

... Looks like just IV, maybe I'll get that too.

Okay kids, see you Tuesday.
4 was a let down.. it was fun, but honestly san andreas for ps2 was way better


Well-Known Member
Fucking game made over $1 BILLION in 3 days!

This game will win game of the year, no doubt about it, even up against Battlefield 4 which'll be another heavyweight, but I don't think it'll bring in anywhere near the sales GTAV does, this game is revolutionary!

What do you think it means for GTA 6? No doubt with the success of GTAV, Rockstar will continue the series, me and my friends were brainstorming over the weekend, the only thing I can come up with is the whole world, they will probably map out areas of the whole world and make it so you can travel internationally. Especially with the new hardware coming out for the next generation. They'll implement an awesome multiplayer feature, most likely more expansive than GTAV will have, with more players and more vehicles. I can't wait for this next generation of games, new stuff incorporating things like the Oculus Rift, better audio, I even saw this really promising technology that shoots air blasts at your body where your character gets hit inside the game!

The next decade in gaming is going to be awesome!


New Member
I got IV anyway, just because it was cheap on Amazon. V will be here Tuesday though, so I guess I'd better clean my gutters and whatever else I planned to do before winter, tomorrow haha because my ass is gonna be in the living room for the next few months. Fuck it, I ain't got no job! Hahaha

I hope they keep pushing it and don't get lazy with upcoming editions, but no reason to believe they'd start doing that now, right? I'd like to see fatter hookers


Active Member
Fucking game made over $1 BILLION in 3 days!

This game will win game of the year, no doubt about it, even up against Battlefield 4 which'll be another heavyweight, but I don't think it'll bring in anywhere near the sales GTAV does, this game is revolutionary!

What do you think it means for GTA 6? No doubt with the success of GTAV, Rockstar will continue the series, me and my friends were brainstorming over the weekend, the only thing I can come up with is the whole world, they will probably map out areas of the whole world and make it so you can travel internationally. Especially with the new hardware coming out for the next generation. They'll implement an awesome multiplayer feature, most likely more expansive than GTAV will have, with more players and more vehicles. I can't wait for this next generation of games, new stuff incorporating things like the Oculus Rift, better audio, I even saw this really promising technology that shoots air blasts at your body where your character gets hit inside the game!

The next decade in gaming is going to be awesome!
man the way i see it, there's still PLENTY reason to get excited over GTA 5's multiplayer when it's released in october.

They're going to be updating GTA 5 constantly and considering how amazing the single player is so far, and how amazing i KNOW the online will be, I won't be worried about another FULL GTA release for at least another 4, 5 years.

GTA IV goes way back in years, and people still played that, or the online mode at least, straight until the day GTA 5 came out because Rockstar games are just all around amazing.