Crowning: Help Me Crown My Babies :D


Well-Known Member
Hi, could someone give me advice on how to properly crown my plants. My first grow I had 2 plants on my balcony (which ended up getting stolen), while pruning I snipped off the top and some people said it was a good thing and others said it wasn't so good. But afterwards the 2 plants ended up growing into incredibly bushy plants, not to tall but really fat, they were stolen before flowing stage, didn't even know if they were male or female, if they were female, would have gotten a big crop. My last grow attempt I didn't crown and the plants arnt that bushy, just tall and the crops arnt that big. This time I would like to crown and hopefully I get the same result as the outdoors. I just don't want to snip them wrong, could some please describe where to cut or even a picture would be awesome

Thank You


Well-Known Member
It is called topping, and although some strains respond well when topped and some dont, i would recommend not topping it at all because you might just get a bigger yield and it doesnt slow growth down at all. You might try tying the plant down to something because this helps with evenly distributing light and possibly bigger buds.


Well-Known Member
Thanx, I guess its a little to late, my plants are @ 2.5 feet and I plan on flowing next week, I will try topping my next crop.

Can you clone the topping? I think it would work