Crop tastes like crap ? Lots of undeveloped seeds ?


Active Member
Hey peeps I just harvested a few plants of a mystery strain, AKA bagseed. Anyway, it tatses like crap, I used nutients but flushed properly and had a other strain that tastes superb. When I look through the bud there are a few seeds here and there, in ALL the plants in my garden. I have never had any males in the room. Anyway the stain that tatses like shit had these little black undeveloped looking seeds that come out of the seed pouch. I think thats whats making the horrible taste. It kinda tastes like burning seeds :( not good. Also the bud looks different than other bud that I have seen. I was just wondering of anyone has had any similar probems. My best guess is that the plants where like hermi or something ? And what should I do with all the shitty tasten weed ? I was thinking just making oil outta it. Anyways thanks for your time....:) Stay High.


Well-Known Member
yep.....all the clues point to a hermaphrodite plant, but on the bright side: the seeds you get should all be female (or so i've read).


Active Member
Yeah thats what my first guess was. I made oil outta one plant. It was my first time, but it went alright. I just packed a pil bottle and poked some holes then added a coffee filter and 1 can of butane. I just wanted to test it out , but it went pretty good got a bit of good honey, got me baked as hell last night. So im just going to wait till the rest dries and make more. I dont got any hash materials ie, bubble bags or I would be all over that idea. But thanks for the info. :) Peace n stay high