Critical Kush Deficiencies Hydro Young Plants


Hey everyone,

This is my first hydro attempt. I'm using a recirculating bucket system in a 4x4 space. I'm just wondering if anyone has experience with Critical Kush and if they could offer me some advice for feeding them?

I'm at 20 days, they're still very small plants but they are already showing small deficiencies.

I had them on nothing but water for the first 10 days and then bumped them up to 500ppm and just yesterday (after seeing the deficiencies) bumped them up to 900ppm. They've been alive for 20 days now and i'm using flora series (3 part) from GH and adding cal/mag in.

Any help would be awesome, Ive attached some pics.
Day 20 1.JPG Day 20 2.JPG Day 20 3.JPG Day 20 4.JPG Day 20 5.JPG


Well-Known Member
They look fine, I'm assuming you're using ro water since you're adding calmag. So starting nutes at 500 and jumping to 900 is a huge jump. Seedlings only need 1/4 strength nutes. 300-400ppm (. 7 conversion scale)

Are you worried that they are light green or something?

Start ppm's low and work up slowly. Some strains top out at 900ppm in full flower.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, way too high on nutes. In hydro the most crucial aspect of control is pH, what is yours? Try setting it at 5.6-5.7 will allow the plants to get more of what they need at that stage easier


Well-Known Member
900 ?... My CK are 2 weeks into flower and are happy at 1000ppm 1300ppm burned them. I'm also using GH only lucas formula.

Have you checked their roots or under the leaves? it shouldnt be a deficiency in my opinion


Well-Known Member
I don't see anything wrong. If you keep ppm at 350-450 you will be fine. Let them get bigger, they don't need high ppm at this stage. Good luck.


If you take a look at the 4th photo you will see some white spotting on the leaves. It looks like early boron deficiency imo. I have not given it anymore nutes and the ppm is down to 500. I'll hold around here, since I've added more nutes they seem to be growing healthy. My PH is right at 5.6.

Thanks for the advice everyone, I'll back up on the nutes and see how they respond.