Crazy idea, Outdoor question

I've been thinking a lot about growing outside but am very worried for the numerous reasons that go with it, mainly stealth. I had an idea to put my plant completely inside a large white maybe transclucent outdoor trash can, I would try to get one that is like 4/5 feet tall.My question is will this be enough light? I already have plants growing indoors so i could make them stretch and kinda skinny but I am worried only the very top will get light or the fact it may only get light when the sun is directly over it, although if the can is white will the sunlight be able to penetrate the plastic at all? And if so will that light even be usable? I think this would have advantages because I could cut out the bottom and let the roots grow larger and in the ground. Also it will have a lid I can use during the night or storms etc. Does anyone forsee any problems with this idea? Anybody ever heard or done this? Thanks


I'm just unsure if the sun could make it through a white?
I'm not sure about the roots mainly too, Should I leave it in a pot and place inside the trash can? OR cut out the bottom? OR just fill the bottom 1/3 of the trash can with soil and thats it? The more I think about this idea I really really like it.


New Member
Well I don't really think it's a good plan... Firstly, it'll grow straight out the top anyway, then there's humidity issues etc etc. What has worked best for me, is doing dwarf plants hidden by other plants, or going for herb that hardly looks like herb. trick is in what other plants are around, it can blend into the background really well.

I once grew a huge Duckfoot that not even other growers spotted in my garden until she smelled a bit.

Most attempts at camouflage other than natural plants usually tend to make your plant stick out a bit more, a transparent bin in an odd place in the garden makes people wonder...
Good points KushKrew, It would be behind a garage somewhat secluded.

I'm pretty sure this would work best like a one plant greenhouse, but I'm worried its not stealthy enough. I have my card too(mi), still worried.

I Could also use a steel one and it could reflect light into the sides and bottom.

Having other plants in the area or like you suggested is not really an option for me, thanks tho.

Is humidity really going to be an issue? Im assuming high humidity, if so could i mist them alot? I only need to flower them outdoors. I know misting is not a good idea for flowering tho, and I dont want sitting water in the can with the plants for multiple obvious reasons.


New Member
The trashcan idea works really well for starting plants early in cold areas, though. You have to cut a hole in the bottom and use it as a 'sleeve' but they usually come off after only 4 weeks or so, maximum 6 weeks and they're too big...
The trashcan idea works really well for starting plants early in cold areas, though. You have to cut a hole in the bottom and use it as a 'sleeve' but they usually come off after only 4 weeks or so, maximum 6 weeks and they're too big...
Thanks, I'll guess instead of placing the plants in the trash can, ill put the idea there.