Crap... Questions about my clones...


Well-Known Member
Ight guys, Ive clones many many times before, and usually get around 98-100% success. However, this time is a bit different... My temps the past week have been 90-98*.... I fear this might have a lot to do with my clones, but I feel most if not all are not going to root... Its been about 10 days from cutting, and usually at around 10 days I start to see little tiny roots just barley poking.. This time, nothing... I know to give it around another 5-7 more days if needed, which I will, but im getting concerned as I at least by now start to see signs of success... Now other than the tops looking pretty healthy and not dead for 10 days in, I feel they are fine, however, 1 clones out of the 70, literally only 1, had actually died, had brown leaves, etc. I opened up the oasis cube and didnt even see a sight root growth... This concerns me... I did notice that my rooting hormone was expired... CRAp.... Im hoping that they will still pull through, but so far im losing confidence in these clones... And even more so that im around 3 months behind as it is... WHat yall think



Well-Known Member
They dont look bad at all, I always make extra just in case. mine are around 75-85 degreees, is all depend on the strains amigo. Is like in a batch i made and i kinda let them with out paying attention all of them make it but now i made another batch (5 days ago) and 5 out of 20 seem to be all fucked up but again I make a few extra just in case. your higher temp cant be the problem unless is on the 60% humidty range dry heat is good but when they have rooted they will fkin trhive.

This is my experience/my opinion tho.


Final Phase

Well-Known Member
I use an eZclone and had trouble getting them to root when the room got warmer. Some strains are harder to strain as said by jugz420. I solved the problem by putting in 8 frozen water bottles in the tank 1 to 2 times every 24 hrs. Move your cloning setup to a cooler spot or try and get your room temp. down and you might get better results.

Your cloning technic is different than using an eZclone so lean on jugz420's advice!
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Well-Known Member
Your cloning technic is different than using an eZclone so lean on jugz420's advice!
Ive done clones in bublers in the past and Im all for it when I go hydro, but for some reason I prefer the method of oasis cubes when doing soil.
My cloning techniques is a very wide spread technique... Not sure what you mean by this, regardless, I will indefinitely move to a cooler area, as for the humidity, its always higher than 60% humidity. Which is the main thing I keep in control. other than the temps and the lack of root signs, I feel much better. I just wanted to get some insight as I havnt cloned in about a year or so, and my methods have always proven successful until this time around. So with that said, I hope im just being paranoid lol! Anyways, I did cutt way more than I need, so I dont mind if some die, I only wanted around 40 and I cutt 70 lol. I was just getting paranoid that none were going to root... Thanks for insight Jugz and final.