Crack Pipe, IDs, And Badge Found In Hunter Biden Rental Car


Well-Known Member
They call this the DC special.

Fri, 05/17/2019 - 18:17

A used crack pipe, two DC driver's licenses, multiple credit cards, a Delaware Attorney General badge and a US Secret Service business card belonging to Hunter Biden were found in a rental car returned to an Arizona Hertz location in the middle of the night, days before the 2016 presidential election, according to Breitbart, which obtained an exclusive copy of the police report.

Photo via RadarOnline
Hunter, son of former Vice President and 2020 candidate Joe Biden, had rented the vehicle from a California location, intending to return it to the Prescott, Arizona location where it was discovered after being dropped off with the crack pipe and Hunter Biden's personal effects.

Instead of returning the car keys to the drop box where after-hours returns are supposed to go, the car was returned—according to the police report—with the keys left in the gas tank compartment of the vehicle. Also found inside the vehicle, per the police report, were two drivers’ licenses both bearing Hunter Biden’s legal name Robert Biden, as well as “some credit cards with the same name,” “a secret service business card,” and an “Attorney General’s badge” all contained inside a wallet that Hertz rental employees discovered—along with a pipe that Hertz employees thought and police later confirmed was used to smoke illicit drugs, as well as “a white powdery substance in the arm rest of the vehicle.” -Breitbart

Of note, Hunter was discharged from the Navy after he tested positive for cocaine.

The morning after the car was dropped off, a phone number belonging to a renowned local "Colon Hydrotherapist" called the Hertz. The caller identified himself as "Joseph McGee," who told the employees that the keys were located in the gas cap as opposed to the drop box.

“McGee” informed the rental car company employee, according to police, that “his friend was feeling sick so they didn’t know what to do” when the car was returned. Police, according to a supplemental report filed by a Prescott Police Department detective, sought and obtained a subpoena to discover the source of the “Joseph McGee” phone call—and traced it to a phone number owned and operated by a renowned “Colon Hydrotherapist” in the region. -Breitbart

Police were unable to find and interview "Joseph McGee," as well as contact the younger Biden, however they were unsuccessful at reaching either. The report does say that the Secret Service had located Hunter, and that he was "well."

Laboratory analysis by the Arizona Department of Public Safety later determined that the pipe discovered in the vehicle was used to smoke cocaine, not meth, but fingerprints were not found on the device.

The 23 pages of law enforcement and police documents repeatedly refer to the suspect under investigation as Robert Hunter Biden and the report type as a “Narcotics Offense.” Breitbart News is publishing the documents here, with redactions made to remove personally-identifying contact information like addresses and phone numbers as well as the last names of key witnesses. -Breitbart

No prosecution

Despite the overwhelming evidence after an investigation which included two Prescott Police Department officers and a detective, local authorities in both the city and county attorney's offices declined to prosecute the case.

A document shows the reason the county attorney declined to prosecute the vice president’s son is because they thought they would only be able to get minor charges to stick, and kicked it down to the city attorney. It is unclear from the documents why the city attorney declined to prosecute.

In addition to local police, FBI and the U.S. Secret Service agents were roped into the case, as well. The FBI dispatched agents to the scene, according to the law enforcement documents, and the Secret Service communicated with the various law enforcement officials investigating and confirmed that Hunter Biden was not in harm’s way. -Breitbart

Read the rest of the report here.



Well-Known Member
They call this the DC special.

Fri, 05/17/2019 - 18:17

A used crack pipe, two DC driver's licenses, multiple credit cards, a Delaware Attorney General badge and a US Secret Service business card belonging to Hunter Biden were found in a rental car returned to an Arizona Hertz location in the middle of the night, days before the 2016 presidential election, according to Breitbart, which obtained an exclusive copy of the police report.

Photo via RadarOnline
Hunter, son of former Vice President and 2020 candidate Joe Biden, had rented the vehicle from a California location, intending to return it to the Prescott, Arizona location where it was discovered after being dropped off with the crack pipe and Hunter Biden's personal effects.

Instead of returning the car keys to the drop box where after-hours returns are supposed to go, the car was returned—according to the police report—with the keys left in the gas tank compartment of the vehicle. Also found inside the vehicle, per the police report, were two drivers’ licenses both bearing Hunter Biden’s legal name Robert Biden, as well as “some credit cards with the same name,” “a secret service business card,” and an “Attorney General’s badge” all contained inside a wallet that Hertz rental employees discovered—along with a pipe that Hertz employees thought and police later confirmed was used to smoke illicit drugs, as well as “a white powdery substance in the arm rest of the vehicle.” -Breitbart

Of note, Hunter was discharged from the Navy after he tested positive for cocaine.

The morning after the car was dropped off, a phone number belonging to a renowned local "Colon Hydrotherapist" called the Hertz. The caller identified himself as "Joseph McGee," who told the employees that the keys were located in the gas cap as opposed to the drop box.

“McGee” informed the rental car company employee, according to police, that “his friend was feeling sick so they didn’t know what to do” when the car was returned. Police, according to a supplemental report filed by a Prescott Police Department detective, sought and obtained a subpoena to discover the source of the “Joseph McGee” phone call—and traced it to a phone number owned and operated by a renowned “Colon Hydrotherapist” in the region. -Breitbart

Police were unable to find and interview "Joseph McGee," as well as contact the younger Biden, however they were unsuccessful at reaching either. The report does say that the Secret Service had located Hunter, and that he was "well."

Laboratory analysis by the Arizona Department of Public Safety later determined that the pipe discovered in the vehicle was used to smoke cocaine, not meth, but fingerprints were not found on the device.

The 23 pages of law enforcement and police documents repeatedly refer to the suspect under investigation as Robert Hunter Biden and the report type as a “Narcotics Offense.” Breitbart News is publishing the documents here, with redactions made to remove personally-identifying contact information like addresses and phone numbers as well as the last names of key witnesses. -Breitbart

No prosecution

Despite the overwhelming evidence after an investigation which included two Prescott Police Department officers and a detective, local authorities in both the city and county attorney's offices declined to prosecute the case.

A document shows the reason the county attorney declined to prosecute the vice president’s son is because they thought they would only be able to get minor charges to stick, and kicked it down to the city attorney. It is unclear from the documents why the city attorney declined to prosecute.

In addition to local police, FBI and the U.S. Secret Service agents were roped into the case, as well. The FBI dispatched agents to the scene, according to the law enforcement documents, and the Secret Service communicated with the various law enforcement officials investigating and confirmed that Hunter Biden was not in harm’s way. -Breitbart

Read the rest of the report here.
As long as he did not obstruct justice, I can forgive.


Well-Known Member

Eric Trump was arrested last night for shoplifting. The 34-year-old son of President Trump was apprehended at a JCPenney in the Washington DC area. Officers on the scene report Eric attempted to steal several packs of men’s v-neck undershirts. “He stuffed them underneath the Sean Hannity t-shirt he was wearing,” stated police officer Andrew Canard. “It’s sad.”

White House sources report President Trump cut Eric’s allowance recently. Although Eric wasn’t directly responsible for Barron Trump running away from home, the elder son did have a part to play in the fiasco:

Trump the Youngest supposedly had no clear plan once he avoided his secret service security detail. On how he was able to give them the slip, he smiled and stated, “I told them Eric was trying to talk and walk at the same time. He was in dire need of someone to help him organize his steps and sentence structure.”

When police questioned Eric, it turned out he was stealing the all cotton v-necks for none other than his dad, President Trump. With the ending of his allowance, Eric needed “a creative way” to get Donald “the bestest Christmas present ever.”

Mom Melania went down to the JCPenney and worked her magic. She smoothed the whole thing out with Jeffery, the assistant manager. Although the specifics of the deal aren’t public knowledge, what we do know is the store won’t be pressing charges against Eric.

This still leads Eric in a bind. Christmas is only a few weeks away, and he doesn’t have the money to get Dad a gift. Sources state big brother Don Jr. is coming to the rescue. They’re heading down to the basement to make Dad Don the best tie rack ever.