Could use a heartwarming tale on a cold, wet day.


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever do something philanthropic, just because you could?

A few users on here earn serious money, so it wouldn't surprise me.

If memory serves, FDD's family received $10k (!!!) from a RIU member a few years ago while he was incarcerated, which is pretty incredible even if he did boast publicly about helping FDD.

Also, if US tax laws are similar to UK ones, philanthropic work can also provide tax relief to high earners, so it's not out of the question.

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

p.s. Is this in the right section?

Marijuana Mercenary

Well-Known Member
Not sure what philantropic means exactly but I like to tip good when I can. Even a little tip can brighten some ones day in these dark times.

We need to keep people as positive as we can until America gets through this, if it can get through this.

I am not sure how legal working people survive with 27% tax and no overtime, or even full time. You look into these peoples eyes that slave for pennies and they are lost.

Marijuana Mercenary

Well-Known Member
Now thats what a true community does.

When I was in the slaveforce I had a retail management position for 4 years until I left.

The people that worked below me would have hard times and I would slip envelopes with money in their lockers from time to time, mainly after harvests.

It wasn't enough to change their lives but enough to keep them going. The most I ever gave out was 200$ for an elderly worker to get her car fixed.

I would hear most problems indirectly and used typed letters on the envelopes that read "Hope it helps". It kept everyone guessing.

One other manager knew what I was doing but said nothing. Maybe after I left and the envelopes quit she did. Never questioned me on where the money came from.

I wish the best for these people, for all people. Now days the only people I help are from the neighborhood because they are the ones I come in contact with other than service workers around town.