Could slavery make america great again?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering why no one in politics has proposed slavery to help turn the economy around. Do you think using some form of slavery could return the U.S. to prosperity?


Undercover Mod
Not really. How does free labor make money? Unless you make really smart people work for free., but that is hard.

I'm really confused why this would even be brought up...


Undercover Mod
Actually it is the Congressmen who make all the decisions twat. President just sings off on everyone else bullshit.


Well-Known Member
There is a group of 20 million "slaves" here right now, and our greatness is fading quickly. Slavery is not making America better at all. Instead it is a way to mask how our quality of life is being eroded. Cheap food and labor abounds...


Well-Known Member
serious...why not? make sneakers or t-shirts or farm or mining
well i'm opposed to the exploitation of labor - not in the marxist sense but in the sense that slavery is precisely an exploitation of labor: forced labor with no pay. it's also against the constitution (yeah, i know slavery existed in the US and i know we, as americans, have no rights in america today).

economically, even by cutting wages entirely out of the picture, in the macro-scheme of things the united states can't get back to "prosperity" because of all the intervention and market manipulation. we need a depression to flush out malinvestments caused by an artificial inflationary boom. what's needed is a free market, no price controls (price floors, price ceilings), no interest rate manipulation, real money and the like.


Well-Known Member
lol wtf...y dont we try all kinds of dumb shit (due to my latest infraction put on the record i am not calln u a dumb shit lol) like another holocaust or genocide and if that doesnt make america great nothin will.


Active Member
WTF? is in your fucking heads. Some Americans as i see are really fucked up minded. Btw open your eyes, those who work like biological robots i mean work go home got work everyday rutine. Its the same, they are the slaves, only they get better comfort. But they arent free, its like mind jail and u can go through it not even noticing it how it looks from a side. The first thing what humanity and all nations must do is get rid of military so the world can unite live in peace and shaare all the resources and living. Cuz the gap between poor and rich is spreading too far away.


Well-Known Member
smh slavery, touchy subject to others...
Fuckin right touchy subject im black too fucker dang why you had to go there that shit never did anything but hate for the country what are you some type of nazi and becareful what you wish for because it could be the other way around this time. Dang RIU is better then this BS


Well-Known Member
well in the last depretion they hired people to make bridges to turn things around slavery will just have more peoplr starve you give some one a job thats progress........they are doing that now in florida building roads the problem is that instead of hiring 200 men and getting the roads done in 1 month theye hire 5 and take there sweet time............ the government contracts gave them no time limit fucking idiots... more wasted money!!!!!!!!!


Undercover Mod
Almost all of you posts I see you calling people names. Why is that Ballsac?:?
Cause I feel the need to when people say dumb shit. Like blaming the president for our problems when he is the last person to sign off on everyone else decisions. Tell me that's not true.