COPS TOOK MY PLANTS!!! Need Legal Advice.


Active Member
So im sitting at home enjoying a meal after i got off work today when i got a knock at my door. I answer the door

to three police officers (assholes). Basically in a nut shell they told me they had a complaint about the marijuana

smell and needed to see my marijuana, to make sure i was within the legal limits, which are padlocked in my

garage. I asked the officer if he had a searchwarrant, and his response was that he absolutely did not need one.

I asked him what would happen if i refused, and he told me he would write me an expensive ticket. so i responded

"fine, give me the ticket, and to make a long story short he said "ok i need to call my sargent and code

enforcement". so they show up and the sarg. informs me that they dont need my permission to look in my

garage. he asked me if i was sure i dont want to unlock it and i said "You cannot unlock it and i do not give you

permission to do that. He then cut the lock with bolt cutters, and seized half of my plants, because i had 12

mature, which i know is over the legal limit, which is the reason i didnt want them in there in the first place.

My question is, did they break the law by not having a warrant, and breaking in anyways.

Please help me out. I'm completely relying on you guys, as i cannot afford a lawyer.

I'm in northern california, san joaquin county, manteca ca.

Thanks in advance. -delic


Well-Known Member
They needed a warrant. Cops lie to make you give them what they want. You should have to told them they need a warrant. You got screwed by the pooch so it seems.


Well-Known Member
They should have secured a warrant to do so. What they did is illegal. Unfortunately I hear about cops doing this a lot.


Active Member
They should have secured a warrant to do so. What they did is illegal. Unfortunately I hear about cops doing this a lot.

Thanks for your input. Do you know what kind of attorneys specialize in these type of cases.

I'd like to try to find one that will do it for a % of the settlement.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry that happened. You just got jacked by the cops. They know that the plant number limits have been struck down as unconstitutional by an appellate court decision. The fact that they left half of the plants just proves their hypocrisy. Unfortunately, the cops do whatever they please.

Check Cal NORML's web site for attorneys in your area.


Active Member
I'm sorry that happened. You just got jacked by the cops. They know that the plant number limits have been struck down by an appellate court decision as unconstitutional. The fact that they left half of the plants just proves their hypocrisy. Unfortunately, the cops do whatever they please.

Check Cal NORML's web site for attorneys in your area.

Thanks i will look through the canorml website.


Well-Known Member
Here are the issues with telling people that have actively broken the law regarding this substance for a long time to now follow the rules..I mean don't make people criminals and then get mad when they act like criminals....I say they just need to say fuck it and make it totally legal but as far as I know the cops coming in like that is totally illegal...Then again is that maybe a clause for the you have to allow law enforcement into your space at anytime...I don't think that is in there though. My legal advice is to just stay legal, I mean they are nice enough to let you grow at all...say thanks by following the laws...


Active Member
I flower one plant at a time. This produces enough for me to smoke all I want until the next flowering is done. I keep all pot related matters to myself. If it became legal to have six plants then I would make damn sure I never had more than six. I don't understand how people can live somewhere where it's legal to grow but then break laws anyway. Why would other states bother making it legal when they can clearly see the growers in legal states breaking the law.

If it became legal to have one plant I'd be happy as all get out. I figure the money I save is as good as selling a few bags anyway.


Well-Known Member
First - sorry it happened man that is bullshit.

Second to offer a story. I friend of mine was growing. The police showed up with a warrant to search his house. Fortunately for him he rents out his grow room on paper to a friend. Since the police didn't have a warrant to search his friends apartment within his house they couldn't legally open the locked door to the grow room. Obviously they came back later with a warrant and lo and behold the plants were already moved. I realize this doesn't apply to asshole cops who feel they are the end all be all of the justice system and feel they can shit on civil rights but an interesting story non the less. All you need is a standard lease agreement to show that one or more of the rooms in your house is actually a room rented to someone else.


Well-Known Member
I just have a question: Are you in a Marijuana Legal State and are you legal?
If not legal and they didn't throw you ass in jail or charge... forget about it...move on.
What you gonna do???


Active Member
I just have a question: Are you in a Marijuana Legal State and are you legal?
If not legal and they didn't throw you ass in jail or charge... forget about it...move on.
What you gonna do???
why didnt you just stick to what you were allowed to LEGALLY grow ?, people like you are going to ruin it for everyone .
Here are the issues with telling people that have actively broken the law regarding this substance for a long time to now follow the rules..I mean don't make people criminals and then get mad when they act like criminals....I say they just need to say fuck it and make it totally legal but as far as I know the cops coming in like that is totally illegal...Then again is that maybe a clause for the you have to allow law enforcement into your space at anytime...I don't think that is in there though. My legal advice is to just stay legal, I mean they are nice enough to let you grow at all...say thanks by following the laws...
I flower one plant at a time. This produces enough for me to smoke all I want until the next flowering is done. I keep all pot related matters to myself. If it became legal to have six plants then I would make damn sure I never had more than six. I don't understand how people can live somewhere where it's legal to grow but then break laws anyway. Why would other states bother making it legal when they can clearly see the growers in legal states breaking the law.

If it became legal to have one plant I'd be happy as all get out. I figure the money I save is as good as selling a few bags anyway.
First - sorry it happened man that is bullshit.

Second to offer a story. I friend of mine was growing. The police showed up with a warrant to search his house. Fortunately for him he rents out his grow room on paper to a friend. Since the police didn't have a warrant to search his friends apartment within his house they couldn't legally open the locked door to the grow room. Obviously they came back later with a warrant and lo and behold the plants were already moved. I realize this doesn't apply to asshole cops who feel they are the end all be all of the justice system and feel they can shit on civil rights but an interesting story non the less. All you need is a standard lease agreement to show that one or more of the rooms in your house is actually a room rented to someone else.

ok if you guys would put down the joint for one minute and read the post you'll see that my question is not about having too many plants.

my question was did they break the law by cutting the lock open to my garage without a warrant or my permission.

i know what the legal number of mature plants is as i have stated.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
I think I heard you say something about code enforcement.

If you are an illegal grower (not saying you are) the smell alone allows them to search.

If you are a legal grower, I'll bet there is some fine print somewhere, you agreed whether you know it or not, that allows code enforcement to inspect, kinda like a day care, they would take half the kids too.