Cooling situation


New Member
so i listened to a friend and tried this once and turned out great but this time i upgraded to a 2x4x6. got a 600 watt light and I'm catching all types of hell trying to keep the tent cool. It scared the kibbles and bits out of my dog the way i jumped when i saw temps reaching as high as 101. Bought a 190 cfm fan and thought it would cool it down (exhaust). Didn't work so i tried to use it as an intake, this got it down to 93. Dont really have the funds to get another fan, bought the tent and light using profit off of last batch. What can i do now that my plants are showing signs of too much heat?


Well-Known Member
If you don't have a cooled hood, it's going to be hard to keep the temps down in that size of a tent, if not impossible. If you do have a closed hood, get that fan as close to the light as possible for full cooling effect.


New Member
Nope I went el cheap and got a regular reflector. While the light is on I have my exhaust running with three other fans running and half of the tent door open and its dropped to 88-90. One of the girls isn't looking to good now I'm wishing I stuck to the closet and CFL's. This might turn out to be an awful mistake, and to think I might kill a purple og kush is killing my feelings right now...sad face


Well-Known Member
Your setup is good, you just need a closed hood. You can get a cool tube on ebay or Amazon for about $50. In my tent, I have 2x 600w, and it's 3 degrees higher inside the tent than outside.


New Member
If I run a cool tube won't I have to get another fan? From all the reading I've done, everyone who has a cool tube has a fan on it plus one for intake. The fan I have now is the ventech 4" 190 cfm. What size do I need to get for the hood?