

Active Member
Hey fellas, and ladies, how are we all??

So I have a good mates birthday coming up, and being the broke bastard that I am, I have opted for baking a cake for him (a special cake) anyway, I have been looking everywhere for good Cannabutter recipes but there are so many different techniques (from cooking 1 to 2 hours, 1 to 6 hours and I have even seen a 22 to 24 hours cooking time!!) that I gave up and decided to ask the proffesionals.

So, I want to bake a cake, a yellow butter cake to be exact, and I will need roughly 170g or for the americans roughly 6 ounces of butter. Can anyone post some tried and true cannabutter recipes, or recipe links here, I want ones that have literally been tried and aproved, in terms of high, taste, quantity of weed etc, etc.........

I am fully aware that posts have been made with recipes and things but I want personal recomendations as I believe the actual users really know whats up. I accept any and all adivce.

Peace and Love!


EDIT: Was just thinking aswell, any cake recipe recomendations that combine well with cannabutter, I accept aswell, I am open to any suggestions!

RE-EDIT: Sorry if this is the wrong place to post something like this, I wasn't too sure where I should post it. If someone needs to move it to another forum genre then no worries!


Well-Known Member
cook atleast 1 oz of trim (good trim like this stuff: into 1 stick of butter in a crock pot with 3/4ths cup of water or more.

let that slow cook on high for 30 mins, low for 4-6 hours . . . . after it's done strain the mixture into whatever container you're going to be using (preferrably something that will allow the butter to solidify into a nice block)

you don't want a wide container, you want the diameter to be smaller so you get a thicker block of butter. because you're straining the mixture of bud, butter, and water, so you want the butter to solidify up at the top of the container.

that's pretty much it for the butter, the rest is easy.


Active Member
cook atleast 1 oz of trim (good trim like this stuff: into 1 stick of butter in a crock pot with 3/4ths cup of water or more.

let that slow cook on high for 30 mins, low for 4-6 hours . . . . after it's done strain the mixture into whatever container you're going to be using (preferrably something that will allow the butter to solidify into a nice block)

you don't want a wide container, you want the diameter to be smaller so you get a thicker block of butter. because you're straining the mixture of bud, butter, and water, so you want the butter to solidify up at the top of the container.

that's pretty much it for the butter, the rest is easy.

Ok, cool man, thanks, +rep. A quick question though, how much butter (in ounces or grams) is a stick? Sorry I don't live in the states, so my measurements are different........anywho, how much use would you typically get out of that amount of cannabutter? 1 cake, 2 cakes? Just so I have a rough idea.

Also anyone else wanna pitch in, feel free.



Well-Known Member
113 grams to one stick of butter.

I really have no idea how much butter to use in a cake . . . I usually make cookies or brownies . . .


Active Member
Oh sweet man thanks. Yeah the cooking part is all good, I'm a chef so I wont have any problems there, I have never actually made cannabutter though hahaha, so it's time to broaden my horizon!

With that mix how many cookies would you get out of it typically, and the all important question, do they get you fucked up stoned, or mellow stoned or what, just want an idea of potency as I will be serving various people with varying tolerance levels hehehe.
So, one cookie would be enough, or more than enough??

Sorry, I know, lots of detail, but when its mates involved I don't wanna piss about, you know what I mean?


Well-Known Member
yeah bro I'm the same as you when it comes to this kind of stuff.

1 stick of butter makes a whole batch of cookies from the betty crocker packaged cookie mix . . . . which makes about 15 relatively large cookies . . .

in my experience with this concentration so long as your tolerance isn't ridiculously high, 1 cookie should get you 8/10 high for 4-6 hours . . .

I'm pretty sure 1 cookie will be perfect in the concentration I listed . . . however people with higher or lower tolerance will have to adjust . . .


Active Member
Perfect bro, thanks.
Cakes typically have more butter than cookies, so i was thinking that I will use the same amount of weed that you stated to about half times more the amount of butter that you stated (the weed I will use is relatively good, and not trimmings, so it should be ok) I don't want to dilute it too much, but don't want to over do it. What do you think?

Also, what is the water for? I am kinda guessing (but could be wrong) that it's to prevent the butter from burning? I am just wondering if it is really necessary, as fat and water cooking together can be pretty dangerous, and a recipe for 3rd degree burns. I've seen it happen, and it isn't pretty.

8/10 high is pretty high though hahaha. Maybe will try take it down to about 6/10 or 7/10 hehehe, it will be a party so I don't want everyone to joe out at the beginning.


Well-Known Member
it prevents the butter from burning, it also filters out water soluble nasty tasting stuff, all the THC sticks into the butter, all the bad stuff stays in the water, improves the taste of the butter dramatically . . . .

the reason you want them so concentrated is that with edibles it's REALLY easy to not get high . . . . . better to have a dosage like that that gives you a nice 8/10 high . . . .

if you use half the amount of butter and the same amount of weed that's concentrating it quite a bit . . . at max I would only do an oz of shake to a half stick of butter . . .

out of all the times I've made cannabutter I've never burned myself . . . . (we're talking 12+ times . . . ) I suggest you use rubber gloves when you strain the plant matter (use cheesecloth)


Active Member
Ok, so water is pretty important then, all good.
Well, I guess I will have to find a little more weed, as I have enough for your mix, but I will need about half times more butter than what you listed. So in turn, about half times more weed aswell. But thats all good, easily resolved.

I think thats it for now man, thanks for all your help, I appreciate it, and +rep!

Any other doubts I have I will be sure to check in.

And once I've baked my cake, I will let you know how it went if you'd like.

Peace brother!



Well-Known Member
yep I'm interested to see how well they work.

good luck man edibles are fun as hell when you get them right!