Controlling Health Canada


Well-Known Member
Harper and his ass clowns are at it again. The fed election can't come soon enough. Hopefully hitler sorry Harper hasn't totally fucked the entire country by then. Distrust in science I thought those crazies all died off back in the 1700s let's face it Harper doesn't like science because it proves his idiotic beliefs are just that beliefs not proven facts.



Well-Known Member
Yet another bonehead move to gain control of something he feels is slipping out of his control-freak hands. I really hope enough voters get out next election to throw him and his party out on they slimy asses. I haven't talked to anyone who plans to vote conservative, hopefully that carries through when it counts. People are just tired of his ways and so-called transparency, while he continues to try and gag anyone who tries to challenge his views/agenda. The opposing parties could have a field day with examples of his outright contempt for democracy, hope they all step up and take him to task in the election, isn't there a fast-forward button we can push? lol


Well-Known Member
Makes absolutely zero sense which is why it doesnt surprise me at all.
Every pm has tried to shit on us on the way out lets just hope this is as bad as it gets. I cant handle another tax lol

Thinking back to the day mulroney dropped the gst on us still makes my ass hurt


Well-Known Member
Imagine how many homeless people that much money would feed and shelter for a year?
Don't be stupid. Homeless don't vote. And if they did they wouldn't be voting conservative. Now tax breaks for the richest out there? Sure how much is enough sir? Donate $2000 to my campign you say? Heres a multi million dollar government contract you don't even have to bid on.


Well-Known Member
Every time I hear Rona Ambrose's name in anything it drives me nuts.. A health minister with no medical background at all. A degree in political science and a bachelor of arts... Sounds like a good set of qualifications to me. I guess it would be if you are just a useless face to help deal with all the fuck ups that our health care system has sprung upon us.


Well-Known Member
Me too. Ronda makes my skin crawl. Fucked up bitch couldn't organize a rock fight in a stone quarry. Unless it means useless spending of tax dollars ... Hey wait a second this reminds me of someone oh ya Steven assclown Harper. Grr rant over lol:bigjoint:



if they were all anti weed tools than none of us would be legal patients lol. silly thing to say sandysandysandy.
a lot of the doctors that sign are just in it for money and they are aware that by signing they are creating a clientele for themselves that walk in and pay cash. there are a lot of self serving people in this world. I'm not trying to be rude its just another perspective


Well-Known Member
Most of us here had to pay a Doctor for our liscence (mmar). I would not even mention it in to my Gp,but he is the best Dr I've ever had.As for insurance i would never tell them anything (I really don't trust them).i am currently on LTD (5yrs).


Well-Known Member
When my current doc asked who signed for my papers I was a little apprehensive to tell her because I had just started posting here and heard about Kammermans??. I went through Do No Harm clinic for my mmar. My first thought was she wants to report him or something ( funny how morphine can make you paranoid!). So I asked her if she was going to write me a script and she said yes. Now if she had said no she would never have seen my pink sheets.


Well-Known Member
My doc before he passed away got me to bring a list of prescriptions I have tried from the pharmacy, list of other dr and specialists I have seen plus hospitalization records before he would consider me then he charged me $500 to fill out the mmar paper work that gave me the right to grow And posses marijuana for medical purposes. Best $500 dollars I have ever spent. Now back to my organic home grown:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Most of us here had to pay a Doctor for our liscence (mmar). I would not even mention it in to my Gp,but he is the best Dr I've ever had.As for insurance i would never tell them anything (I really don't trust them).i am currently on LTD (5yrs).
May I ask why you didn't want to talk to your doctor about mmj?