continued grow


Well-Known Member
hello all time for a new grow blog.
lets start outside with 3 plants one who was a male and now 2 and a few seeds here and there.
it's a delight to be able to grow in pots outside plants seem to love the sun. at any rate the strains are nirvana's white widow and a mystery indica plant that was a freebie with the widow. I will tell you this that lil gal is sticky at day 30 day 60-70 look out. the widow is characteristically willowy with heavy production overall. she is later than the indica plus seeds so these gals are going til ALL seeds are ripe.2nd or 3rd week of september so 3- 4 more weeks from now oh and btw the male was widow so i get an f1 and an f2. sure to be vigourous outside after this.
my method is simple ocean forest 1 bag in a 20 gallon smart pot my new favorite thing
I feed with food for the gods herculean harvest and molasses. I have constructed a shelter out of black plastic that is light proof and I drag the plants in and out as photoperiod demands this way I get the longer flower during the hottest sunny weather. I started these gals into flower 07/20 and it's been 31 days they are looking good and healthy I am seeing larger leaf die off in the widow but the flower formation is off the hook so I think it's seasonal.

I will post first the widow then the indica "i call her bubbles" then my cat and a hat
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Well-Known Member
Day 31 flower;
its getting more difficult to get these 2 into and out of the blackout shelter they are bigger than I expected for sure.
the widow is really starting to drop leaves hard but continues to flower well so I hope thats normal the indica is stunning with super copious amounts of trichomes.
From here on out this log will be mostly bud porn till harvest and we move inside for the winter
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Well-Known Member
Little advice, you should cage the ladies up in the future..

That cat probably hops in those pots in pees in the soil lol, at least mine does.


Well-Known Member
no mr kitty pees and poops under the pine tree he is real good about that and yes A cage is a great idea as well.


Well-Known Member
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well the widow continues with the leaf die off I am pretty sure thats normal for the time of season. all of the inner growth is pristine and verdant. posting a vid as well kind of helps with scale


Well-Known Member
day 34 flower;
well it got down to 45 degrees last night their first fall like night the indica is astounding me with her copious resin production she is just absolutely falling all over herself to grow them. also I am starting to see that tight bud formation with some buds growing past the upper pediols , nice,,,as for the widow she is becoming her fall self losing large leaves like crazy but growing buds just as fast my experience with this line causes me to remember that nirvana ww ripens up in the last 3 weeks and can be deceptive. if done right its some of the most potent and flavorful smoke I have had. as the pics show she is much further behind than the indica. but she can go as late as she needs.
I have an idea to get a pure sativa ie ss durban and start them indoors in big pots in december then move them outside as soon as possible in an out on warm days etc. I believe that I could get nice equatorial yield. then cross that durban male to my ww f2 and also to the indica and also to the indica ww f1 interesting possibilities and years of fun to be had here.
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Well-Known Member
hey all day 37 flower
well things are developing nicely looking at the first week of september for the indica and the end of september for the widow. she is definitely leaning sativa with later development. WP_20160825_10_20_58_Pro.jpg WP_20160825_10_19_17_Pro.jpg WP_20160825_10_17_36_Pro.jpg WP_20160825_10_17_11_Pro.jpg WP_20160825_10_16_24_Pro.jpg WP_20160825_10_15_38_Pro.jpg WP_20160825_10_15_22_Pro.jpg WP_20160825_10_14_42_Pro.jpg WP_20160825_10_12_18_Pro.jpg WP_20160825_10_12_11_Pro.jpg