Conservatives love change.......


New Member
Another old fall back. Conservatives fear change; bullshit. We love change. We love ingenuity. We love progress, not the word, the results. The old axioms of the left have been embraced by those too intelligent to be so, naive?, on the matter. Change, for conservatives, means only one thing. Our children should have a better life than we did, just as our lives are better, in many ways, than our parents. The philosophy of conservatism, as best stated by Buckley, among others, is, as succinctly as possible, do good and be good. Everything else will fall into place. Change is inevitable, and conservatives are realists.


New Member
Our children should have a better life than we did, just as our lives are better, in many ways, than our parents.

Trouble is, that dream is fading fast. The current and past 3-5 presidents have basically made the American dream, a nightmare. No children except children of priveledge will have it better than their parents, that is a dead end street. Untill me and my wife die and leave our estate to our son, basically he will never be able to own his own home. Wages have not kept up with prices, especially in the corrupted real estate market.


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't label yourself ccodiane - it's just not necessary. Our life is better how? I would definetly agree that our generation has it EASIER, but BETTER is definetly questionable.


Active Member
I doubt our children will have it better than us. When I was in school, I had to work to keep good grades and pass/graduate. Now, all you have to do is show up and be mediocre. Remember it was a conservative that made the Education Policy "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND"! And in my daughters school, they are passing kids with all "F's". Does not matter if they understand the material. All they teach now a days in my state is a CRCT test. Everything else doesn't matter in grades 3, 5, 8, 11. If you can't pass that test is the only reason they fail the students. And then they fire the teachers for not making sure all of the kids in their grades pass the test.


New Member
You shouldn't label yourself ccodiane - it's just not necessary. Our life is better how? I would definetly agree that our generation has it EASIER, but BETTER is definetly questionable.
I didn't pick the label, the label picked me. I was just doing what I do, living, and came across Limbaugh about three years ago, then Buckley, then Lewis, and Levin about three weeks ago, thank God. I was/am validated. I am what I am.......I'm an American, a conservative, and a that order.


New Member
I doubt our children will have it better than us. When I was in school, I had to work to keep good grades and pass/graduate. Now, all you have to do is show up and be mediocre. Remember it was a conservative that made the Education Policy "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND"! And in my daughters school, they are passing kids with all "F's". Does not matter if they understand the material. All they teach now a days in my state is a CRCT test. Everything else doesn't matter in grades 3, 5, 8, 11. If you can't pass that test is the only reason they fail the students. And then they fire the teachers for not making sure all of the kids in their grades pass the test.
You couldn't have picked a more invalid subject to bolster your point?. Education is a liberal institution. Fact.


New Member
By the way, you as a parent, are ultimately responsible for what your child does, or does not, learn. If your in the PTA, it's already too late for you, and your unfortunate child. (I exaggerate only for effect.)


Active Member
You couldn't have picked a more invalid subject to bolster your point?. Education is a liberal institution. Fact.
What proof do you have that it is only liberal. Wasn't it the conservatives that tried to remove the teaching of evolution? Now if it's only a liberal institution then you would find no conservatives there. Then why is it that the Teachers Union endorses McCain in the upcoming election.


New Member
What proof do you have that it is only liberal. Wasn't it the conservatives that tried to remove the teaching of evolution? Now if it's only a liberal institution then you would find no conservatives there. Then why is it that the Teachers Union endorses McCain in the upcoming election.
You couldn't have picked a more invalid subject to bolster your point?. McCain is a liberal institution. Fact.


Active Member
By the way, you as a parent, are ultimately responsible for what your child does, or does not, learn. If your in the PTA, it's already too late for you, and your unfortunate child. (I exaggerate only for effect.)
My child is an honor student making straight A's. So she is not the unfortunate one. And if you would have read my post, then you would have seen where it was the school passing students making all F's. And when you go to a PTA meeting and complain about that, you are told by the school board to take it up with Washington. It's their policies that schools are following. And what policies are those, you ask. They are the policies of the Conservative White House occupied by GWB. Oh, and if you are not a teacher, a member of the school board, or the Secretary of Education you cannot dictate what is taught or not taught in schools. Obviously if you have kids you take no interest in what they are being taught or not taught in schools today. So, if you do have children, then they are the unfortunate ones.


New Member
In your examples, what do McCain and Bush have in common; that's right, Teddy "Chapaquitic" Kennedy.
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New Member
"Obviously if you have kids you take no interest in what they are being taught or not taught in schools today. So, if you do have children, then they are the unfortunate ones."

Eureka, you've got a point........... I DO treat those little bastards like they don't even exist.


New Member
I doubt our children will have it better than us. When I was in school, I had to work to keep good grades and pass/graduate. Now, all you have to do is show up and be mediocre.

My child is an honor student making straight A's. So she is not the unfortunate one.

Wait, wait....this is too juicy to pass what your saying is.....your straight A child might have it better than you, BUT, the OTHER kids, the ones being passed without regard for achievement, will NOT have it better than THEIR parents? Your argument has become............mediocre.


Active Member
In your examples, what do McCain and Bush have in common; that's right, Teddy "Chapaquitic" Kennedy.

what do McCain and Bush have in common;

I think I am going to end this conversation now. If you have to ask the question like this one. Then I should go and talk to the wall. I would probably have a more intelligent conversation with a wall.


Active Member
Lets stop the worthless "Whos to Blame" game here and get to the point at hand. Most people really don't give a rats ass if its a republican or a democrat that made the decision to start the stupid testing program. If a school wants federal funding it has to jump through this hoop. In my opinion we are teaching our kids how to take tests more then we are actually giving them the tools they need to move either to the job market or college.


Well-Known Member
ccodaine YOU did pick that label it did NOT pick you...think about it. The label didn't hold a gun to you. You are calling yourself all these things - Why? - because someone told you to. It's not like you were born saying I'm a conservative - someone taught you to think like that.


New Member
Let me think...........nope. If I was "born into" a family of wolves, raised and supported by the wolves, am I a wolf? I occasionally walk on two feet, and, although I have no "mirror", I know I'm not the same as all the other wolves around me. (This is a generous analogy, libs to wolves. It should be, "If I was born into a family of Neanderthals", although that wouldn't be doing my mother justice.) Or, if I saw a group of humans, long after my inception into "wolfhood", would I be wrong to think, "HOOOOOWWWWLLLLLL"? (Translation, "Holy Shit, I'm one of them!") Would my joy be misplaced? If your a true lib, the answer of course is "YES! Stay a wolf, it's better for the environment!" But, I'm a conservative, through and through. And to "find" Limbaugh was a joyous occasion, an occasion worthy of a label. If you celebrate birthdays, you know what I mean. Or maybe you still consider yourself 0?


New Member
Lets stop the worthless "Whos to Blame" game here and get to the point at hand. Most people really don't give a rats ass if its a republican or a democrat that made the decision to start the stupid testing program. If a school wants federal funding it has to jump through this hoop. In my opinion we are teaching our kids how to take tests more then we are actually giving them the tools they need to move either to the job market or college.
Good points............many kids would benefit from on the job training, instead of college. The trades are a great place to be, nowadays.