Connot stop eating when high! Help!


Well-Known Member
This sucks. I started smoking it recently again and my appetite is horrible. I cannot stop eating. Anyone have any suggestions or solutions for an incredibly weak willed individual?


Well-Known Member
Eating is not the problem, it's the fact that you get lazy when your high.
Next time you get high, try to do something like a project or something.
Now that it's nice outside, I like to do more things outdoors.
Like; washing the car, gardening, target shooting with my pellet gun, and fishing.
When I'm high it makes whatever I'm doing more enjoyable, and I'm able to come up with really good ideas.

If your still hungry, then try chewing some gum.


Well-Known Member
I think someone mentioned it earlier, but make sure you eat prior to smoking. It will help alot.


Well-Known Member
eat celery, ita a negavie calorie food!

but hang on, foods delicious, whats wrong with eating loads. just do more excersise and eat healthy things.


Well-Known Member
Chew gum! I do the same thing as you I turn into a garbage disposal...but I'm not really hungry I just like the taste of food cause it tastes so fucking good. Gum works cause its constant flavor and you won't get fat from chewing 4 pieces of gum:peace: