Conflicted feelings about mushrooms - Euphoria & PURE FEAR


Active Member
I know this is long. Long for a reason. IF your thinking about maybe trying mushrooms I strongly suggest reading my experience.

Having never tried mushrooms before I became more and more curious. I stumbled on a site all about them.

Within a week I had received spore syringes (like the 'seeds' of the mushrooms).

After a month I got this:

After harvesting I took just a few (literally like 2-3 fresh caps) just to get a taste of what there about. I didn't feel much of anything, maybe slight visual changes.

After a couple of days I decided it was time to take a 'good dose'. I didn't weigh it out or anything, I just took a handful (less than an eighth).

**I apologize I can't give time stamps, I have no actual time recollection.

Soon I started to feel different, almost cold / sick feeling. I decided to go into my bed. I lied there a while then had the urge to take a shower. This was about to get interesting. I was going up, way up! In the shower I remember the mist in the shower gleaming, like little microscopic purple dots. I also vividly remember I couldn't stop laughing. I found it so intriguing to look at my friend below. Laughing and questioning why humans have this feature.

The soap and mist felt so warm and fuzzy, pure bliss. Big smile on my face, uncountable laughter. It was like standing within a cloud in the sky.

Now out of the shower I got dressed and went downstairs to my garage for a smoke.

I was looking out on my driveway. Just looking outside made me laugh, non-stop (literally) for what felt like a good five minutes. It seems as though everything is breathing and has its own personal patterns. The earth is breathing.

I went back inside. Time to listen to some music. Sitting at my computer I noticed when I moved the mouse it left a trail. This fascinated me. I spun it in circles, the faster I spun it the harder I laughed. The first song I listed to was:

Burning Of The Midnight Lamp, Jimi Hendrix.

The song felt so good. Soon I found myself inside the song. I went into a dreamlike sate of pure bliss. I can't remember if my eyes were closed or opened but I was somewhere else. I was something like an angle (best way I could describe it) in a lighthouse overlooking (like hovering over him) Hendrix singing. It was nighttime and he was sitting playing his guitar and singing next to a lamp. The words felt so pure and fluid, directly flowing through my blood. And then the lyrics "Loneliness is such a drag" hit. At this moment I laughed my ass off. Its as if we both knew how utterly sarcastic that just sounded.

Soon I got off my computer. I remember repeatedly saying to myself "this is so fucked up", "this is so fucking weird" over and over with a big smile.

I started feeling a strong urge to aware people of this, an urge to talk to someone. THIS IS WHERE I MESSED UP. I remembered reading to hide your phone that only bad will happen, but this was an IGNORABLE notion in my mind.

I had just moved to the area and really only knew one person to call, a workmate. I normally never call the dude but again I was obviously tripping. I was unsure if this guy was a straightedge or whatever, all I knew was he drank and occasionally smoked weed. So I told him what was up. Immediately this guy is like what, you did what?!? This dark cold wave of unhappiness hit me and my stomach dropped. This dude went on and on how bad mushrooms were. Then hung up. The pure heavenly bliss I was feeling was simultaneously crushed. I began to feel a fear so deep and cruel. EXTREME paranoia took over.

Eventually I called him back and explained. He chilled out and reasoned with me, he was back on my side. Or was he? Paranoia. Paranoia. Immense feelings of PURE FEAR.

For the next few hours I was freaking out. Thoughts like "what have I done to myself" or "I'll never be the same". The patterns that accompanied the euphoria was now extremely annoying. I felt crazed, almost psychotic. I must have taken 5 showers, no exaggeration.

I slept it off. The next day I was feeling ok.

This experience happened 5 months ago, yet I remember EVERY little detail. Simply a PROFOUND experience.

Today I'm fine. My personality never changed. I'm still the same caring and loving person. I do feel more wise and confident. I can't advise the use of mushrooms nor disapprove them.

However If you do choose to use them please take the time to read my findings outlined below.

Effects that (I) Experienced

- Euphoria (intervals of laughter and lots of it, feeling like a kid laughing really hard for the first time)
-Emotional Sensitivity (Its my belief that mushrooms make you hyper sensitive, that is all your senses become magnified intensely. This could be a good or bad)
-Vision (Everything is 'breathing', patterns prevalent A LOT, everything may appear brighter, tracers and purple dot tracers)
-Hearing (This is one thing I found most annoying. Hard to describe. Hearing is clearly affected)
-Vomiting (I did)
-Paranoia / Extreme Fear (This happened to me)

The absolute "no's"



Well that's all.

Thanks for looking!

Please stay safe and do everything with love.


Well-Known Member
Lol, seems like you certainly underestimated your dosage...
I know I did last thursday... took until about yesterday to work through everything...

Now, first order of business... never discuss drug use with colleages..

P.S. What strain is that, they are realy pretty... I have some Transkei cubensis in second flush now, and some new MDK, has been in the FC about 3 days now :)


Active Member
Sorry man. I can't remember. It's either F+ or "z-strain". I will try to figure it out which strain it is for ya by tomorrow.

Funny thing is I still have a big baggy of these frozen. Just still kinda afraid to go near them again. I feel content from the first time.


Well-Known Member
Lol, seems like you certainly underestimated your dosage...
I know I did last thursday... took until about yesterday to work through everything...

Now, first order of business... never discuss drug use with colleages..

P.S. What strain is that, they are realy pretty... I have some Transkei cubensis in second flush now, and some new MDK, has been in the FC about 3 days now :)
Lol nice/scary story! The first time i tried shrooms i had bought a quater. I started off smoking weed then i poped a couple of the shrooms. within about 15 minutes i was feeling amazing.. Not so much the type of high i expected, it just felt lie i had smoked a lot of weed....Along with this feeling came the munchies and this is where it went bad.... i used slightly unexplainable logic and decided to go with the rest of the shrooms as a snack.... Soon i had eaten the entire quarter.....the next thing i knew i was walking around my neighborhood feeling like wheres waldo, ya know hiding all over the place.... After what must have been a while i ended up at my parents house. ( mind you thats a good 5 or 6 mile walk) My momgreeted me and i immediatly went into the kitchen, opened up the fridge, snatched up a carton of oj and left.... I eventually made my way home and by the time i started to come down i was cowering in my bed afraid to get out because i thought my ceeling fan was going t ofall on me.. i eventually fell asleep and had a colorful dream that bore a slight resemblance to lord of the rings........All together i must have been tripping for over 8 hours. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Lol, seems like you certainly underestimated your dosage...
I know I did last thursday... took until about yesterday to work through everything...

Now, first order of business... never discuss drug use with colleages..

P.S. What strain is that, they are realy pretty... I have some Transkei cubensis in second flush now, and some new MDK, has been in the FC about 3 days now :)
I agree work up on your dose and always weigh it. If you don't know what to expect the first time you might freak out a bit. Always make sure you mind is clear at least three days before. Work with thought patterns, we naturally think repetitive thoughts learn to break the cycle because this is intensified in the tip and can cause a bad one. If you start having a bad trip don't try to fight it just let it come.

It's sounds like you started off with a good trip but failed to plan it properly and became to immersed in negative thoughts.

I love mushrooms, don't give up and be sure to weigh your dose. Work up so you will be more prepared for more intense trips.


Active Member
Ya shrooms are interesting medicine and can be kinda dangerous. I saw the lights totally go out in a guy once, he just had nobody home and freaked us all the heck out.

I experienced total body soul intercourse once, a complete mystical state of ecstasy but that ideal experience is rare!

Fear is pretty much expected if it is going to have power, I have had lower/weaker trips that lacked that response. Fear is a good sign if you can break just past that and not get stuck wondering what the F is going on........that is a way to get stuck.

I find not eating anything but the bits of snack'n on the fungus has the best response, or fasting before hand so you can abort after finding real emotions through a safer manner. If you feel good after 12 hours or so of not eating, wacking off or general bullshit than eating a little fungus isn't a bad idea.


Active Member
Fear is pretty much expected if it is going to have power
- Kalcu

That my friend is an awesome quote. Also very insightful reply.

It's sounds like you started off with a good trip but failed to plan it properly and became to immersed in negative thoughts.

I love mushrooms, don't give up and be sure to weigh your dose. Work up so you will be more prepared for more intense trips.
- NewGrowth

You're exactly right. It was great for a good long time then (I) messed it all up. I'm just a little afraid now that doing it again may reawaken that awful sense of fear I felt. I'm not at all complaining about them, I just didn't fully understand how mystic they truly are.

btw these are were the "F+ strain"

Thanks for all the replies!