Confidence in once ph stressed plants


Well-Known Member
I had a ph issue (fucken cheap ass meter) and these plants almost bit the dust. After a healthy revive, they are flourishing.
They are also far behind their counterparts that are twice the size and now fruiting.
Now that the issues are behind these plants, can I veg these out and fruit them with normal expected yield?
Could I veg them out and clone them?
Or is their overall potential reduced because of a stressful period.
They are premium genetics and I don't want to waste them if they are still perfect. P1070291.JPG P1070127.JPG


Well-Known Member
I can't see any problems with vegging them back to health then cloning.
I've seen much much worse looking plants over the years and they all, well , nearly all bounced back to rude health!
Very tough plant in my opinion .


Well-Known Member

that is my blue widows in flower. they went through hell don't see why it would be of much concern imo. they got nitrogen toxicity by intentionally over feeding, shit load of aphids, had a fungus gnat issue as well. they still growing in those conditions ontop of that because our garden is infested and they are flowering outdoors. think you should be fine. the smaller plant has it the worst and there was a 3rd one but it was used for seeding that is the worst of them all. not to mention just days ago they weren't even this frosty but im still experimenting with feeding. i didnt even PH my water for that grow i use the rain water outside for it as well ph is easily off around 7.0 with nutes added. i do PH now on my current grow but not for the blue widows.