Condoleeza as Romney's VP

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Condi would be an interesting pick. She is smarter than Joe Biden, blacker than Obama, more feminine than Hillary, and she is a conservative. The only downside I see is that she was secretary of state under "Bushitler". It would be highly entertaining to watch the liberals deal with a smart black woman on the "evil" ticket, and entertainment is all I am hoping for out of this election. She insists she will not accept the VP nomination, though, so this is probably just idle speculation.


Well-Known Member
i think she would boost mitts campaign a shit ton. would be smart on his part. didn't she already say she didn't wanna do it?


Well-Known Member
Well there is that whole cooked up intelligence on Iraq thing she has in her closet

And then there is the Occidental petroleum company wanting to name an Oil tanker after her

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Well there is that whole cooked up intelligence on Iraq thing she has in her closet

And then there is the Occidental petroleum company wanting to name an Oil tanker after her
You mean the intelligence that the entire western world believed at the time? Saddam could have easily disproven it, all he had to do was allow the UN inspectors access.


Well-Known Member
You mean the intelligence that the entire western world believed at the time? Saddam could have easily disproven it, all he had to do was allow the UN inspectors access.
shit .......he could have thrown em in a closet and the UN would of given him a clean bill


New Member
You mean the intelligence that the entire western world believed at the time? Saddam could have easily disproven it, all he had to do was allow the UN inspectors access.
Consider the source, these are the same progressive lefties that would have screamed bloody murder had Bush not attacked Iraq and Saddam used WMD later on.

Being post reactionary is a key element that makes up a leftie, they always know what to do when everything is over!


Well-Known Member
no dice, she's pro choice. not gonna happen. never in a million years.

the strategy is a boring white guy who won't outshine romney.


Well-Known Member
I have seen the rumors, I don't think it will happen. She has more brains than Romney and Obama put to together it would only make them look bad.