Concerned about drying... help!


Well-Known Member
K... here is the senario. I Harvested one of my plants that was ready. I hung to dry on Thursday, today is Saturday, and it is all crispy, and smells kind of like hay. I think I may have jacked it up some how. I went a head and put it in jar and sealed the jar. My concern is that it only took like 3 days to get to that point. Could it be that my humidity is too low? Will this kill the THC and CDB content. And was I right to put it in a jar already? I don't want to jack it up any more than I have already done. I am working on a plant that is going to be a big harvest and I want it to be done right. Any advice would be appreciated.


Hey man I think you'll be alright...I cut my first harvest down on last sunday and 36 hours later they were put in jars because the outside was I probably did it a little early because of inexperience but I think if you just open the jar a few times a day you wil notice the outside not being so crispy...what happens when its in the box is the outside gets really dry but there is still a lot of moisture in the stem and inner parts of the bud. Putting them in a jar just basically redistributes the moisture evenly. It does this becasue once moisture is realesed from the bud it has no where to go so the outside of the buds gather some of that moisture. Then every time you open the jar you are realesing a little bit of moisture. So in time everything will dry out evenly and slowly for a nice smooth smoke. I smoked a bowl of my shit 4 days after chopping it with no ill actually had a pretty nice taste although it still smells pretty grassy. Im thinking another week from now everything will be pretty dry and ready for an even better smoke. They say the longer you cure the better it turns out to be. So my advice to you would be just chill, buy a bag for the next week or two and just wait it out. You will be rewarded for your patiece.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man... i was getting worried... i was thinking that it should at least smell like what I would buy in stead of flowers anyway, but I guess it is just where it hadn't cured yet.


Well-Known Member
lots of my harvest start the dry smelling like hay. After about a month or so of curing, which is a really important step, the taste, aroma, and overall smoke will much improve. Some of the dankest weed can still smell like fresh hay, but get yoyu high as a kite. If your buds are too dry, you can add an orange peel to the curing jar for hours at a time to add moister and rehydrate the buds. Ive been curing two giant kush and skunk nugs together for two years now, and the smoke only gets better. its for special occassions


Well-Known Member
its completely normal. its the chlophyll breaking down and stuff. cure when the stem snaps when you break it. after putting in jars be sure to keep an eye on it and burp and leave open when/if needed