Companion planting?


There's treachery afoot
wait quick question.
how do you grow pineapple?
indoors =]
Pineapple mint....not pinapple. It is a type of mint...that, you guessed it, smells like pineapple...and mint. We have a local greenhouse that sells all kinds of odd mint varieties.


Well-Known Member
On an indoor note.....
I grow pineapple, curly, orange and chocolate mint as well as lavender in my grow cabinet to reduce the overall smell of my plants. When the lights kick on, the mint heats up a bit and is quite strong smelling when the doors are opened. Gives my basement a minty fresh smell as well.
SWEET! Someone that's DOING this! :D

So, have you completed a full grow cycle with mint and lavender in there?
If so, do they try to crossbreed with cannabis? Do they flavor your yield at all?

I am so interested in your grow now.

Do you grow in soil or soil-less?


There's treachery afoot
SWEET! Someone that's DOING this! :D

So, have you completed a full grow cycle with mint and lavender in there?
If so, do they try to crossbreed with cannabis? Do they flavor your yield at all?

I am so interested in your grow now.

Do you grow in soil or soil-less?
I grow in soil under 400w HPS. Typically I keep the mints in the grow room through the whole grow. This year alot more mint than normal as we are still having cold temps. and am waiting for it to get warm enough to set the mints outside then in the ground. I have not noticed any crossbreeding or flavoring but really do like the fresh smell my grow cabinet has taken on. Seems the smell from the grow is minimized and alot less noticable. We like to dry the mints and lavender to mix in with some MJ and use in the vaporizer....definately flavors the weed, but fun to try different combinations.


Well-Known Member
We like to dry the mints and lavender to mix in with some marijuana and use in the vaporizer....definately flavors the weed, but fun to try different combinations.

I drifted off last night dreaming of this scenario... vaporizing lavender and mint in with marijuana. :) That along with a nice marijuana Mojito.

Man, I can't wait till CannabisGiving. I need to try that mojito, but I'll wait till it's a social occasion. ;)

So, rock on with the no crossbreeding thing. That's probably a good thing.

No telling what sort of plants you might come up with. And really, that's what I was referring to with trichome production. How would a crossbreed deal with that? I'd imagine you'd HAVE to have UVB in order to properly induce a hybrid mentha x cannabis to produce THC producing trichomes. How awesome would that be?!
And it would be resistant to aphids and ants, too! :D

EDIT: Blast! This drink I'm dreaming of is called an M J Mojito.. who knew that RIU finds the text "M J" (without the space) and turns it into the word "marijuana" for you? :)


There's treachery afoot
MJ Mohito...gotta get that recipe...think I have made nearly every tasty treat known to modern man with cannabis and not yet heard that one! Woo hoo....something new. Crossbreeding would be interesting....maybe have some great strains like chocolate widow (chocolate mint x white widow)
or spearmint sativa or matanuska thunder think we are on to something here.....

I drifted off last night dreaming of this scenario... vaporizing lavender and mint in with marijuana. :) That along with a nice marijuana Mojito.

Man, I can't wait till CannabisGiving. I need to try that mojito, but I'll wait till it's a social occasion. ;)

So, rock on with the no crossbreeding thing. That's probably a good thing.

No telling what sort of plants you might come up with. And really, that's what I was referring to with trichome production. How would a crossbreed deal with that? I'd imagine you'd HAVE to have UVB in order to properly induce a hybrid mentha x cannabis to produce THC producing trichomes. How awesome would that be?!
And it would be resistant to aphids and ants, too! :D

EDIT: Blast! This drink I'm dreaming of is called an M J Mojito.. who knew that RIU finds the text "MJ" and turns it into the word "marijuana" for you? :)


Well-Known Member
marijuana Mohito...gotta get that recipe...think I have made nearly every tasty treat known to modern man with cannabis and not yet heard that one! Woo hoo....something new. Crossbreeding would be interesting....maybe have some great strains like chocolate widow (chocolate mint x white widow)
or spearmint sativa or matanuska thunder think we are on to something here.....
mmm... chocolate widow. mmm.

wow. that sounds exquisite.

So, I'm thinking an M.J. Mojito would be made basically the same way as a regular mojito, except that you would use skruff for the mint. You'll probably want to add some mint, as well. But then again, a good strain smells lovely. To add that pure flavor to a drink like that... well!

getting way off topic here... ..on second thought, shall I start another thread, perhaps in Toke n' Talk?

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
so how do we get this started i want my watermelon pot...:joint:
LOL... how kool would that be... lol

On an indoor note.....
I grow pineapple, curly, orange and chocolate mint as well as lavender in my grow cabinet to reduce the overall smell of my plants. When the lights kick on, the mint heats up a bit and is quite strong smelling when the doors are opened. Gives my basement a minty fresh smell as well.
Hey Meta - we figured it could be done! And I figured the smell would pretty much over take the marijuana... Awesome!

SWEET! Someone that's DOING this! :D

I am so interested in your grow now.
I'd like to know more about your grow also...

I grow in soil under 400w HPS. I have not noticed any crossbreeding or flavoring but really do like the fresh smell my grow cabinet has taken on. Seems the smell from the grow is minimized and alot less noticable. We like to dry the mints and lavender to mix in with some marijuana and use in the vaporizer....definately flavors the weed, but fun to try different combinations.
This is so awesome, I am very intrigued...

I drifted off last night dreaming of this scenario... vaporizing lavender and mint in with marijuana. :)

No telling what sort of plants you might come up with. And really, that's what I was referring to with trichome production. How would a crossbreed deal with that? I'd imagine you'd HAVE to have UVB in order to properly induce a hybrid mentha x cannabis to produce THC producing trichomes. How awesome would that be?!
And it would be resistant to aphids and ants, too! :D
That mojito, isn't it the drink from the Miami Vice movie, strong on the rum, right?

Crossbreeding would be interesting....maybe have some great strains like chocolate widow (chocolate mint x white widow)
or spearmint sativa or matanuska thunder think we are on to something here.....
Mmmm... chocolate widow ...that sounds so good

mmm... chocolate widow. mmm.

wow. that sounds exquisite.

So, I'm thinking an M.J. Mojito would be made basically the same way as a regular mojito, except that you would use skruff for the mint.
LOL, that does sound delicious!

So okay, we know that it can be done. That was a quick answer to your
Gotta love RIU!!!
I gotta make a run to the Hydro store to pick up a couple things that were special ordered for me; gonna stop along the way at Home Depot for some mint seeds and get this thing started in my grow!

Catch up with you guys later...


Rep Love Rules!!! -
Have you checked your trichomes today...


Well-Known Member
I haven't yet done any companion planting with my grows, but I have always used companion plants in my garden to great results. Here is a bit of what I could find put together with mostly things that would be beneficial to our gorws. I personally plan on very soon planting some beans for nitrogen support, garlic for pest/disease control, and foxglove and mullein to bring in some beneficial insects. Maybe this should be moved to organic growing; it might get a better following.

The following plants will help attract insects that prey on some of the insects that like to eat our girls: [size=-1]Taken from Attracting Beneficial Insects to Your Garden for Natural Pest Control (Garden Insectary)[/size]

Pests: Whiteflies, aphids, thrip, spider mites.
Predatory insect: Dicyphus.
plants that will attract this:

1. Foxglove. The flowers attract the predators, but this does not flower until the second year. Probably better to get one from a garden center.

2. Mullein. This plant attracts the beneficial insects, but also is well known for being a smoking herb. It is actually known to prevent and treat pulmonary problems, as well as useful as a remedy for cough when smoked. It is generally flavorless when smoked, and if smoked with your weed, will almost nullify any coughing from the hit. Excellent for use in a six-footer.

Pests: Thrips, spidermites, fungus gnats.
Predatory insect: Beneficial mites.
Plants to attract these:

1. Shasta Daisy

2. Sunflower

Pests: Thrips, aphids, mites, scales, whiteflies.
Predatory insect: Pirate bugs.
Plants to attract these:

1. Shasta Daisy

2. Sunflowers.

The following plants either help with soil structure, add nutrients to soil, or help repel pests. I had paraphrased and added some info to these, but that was an hour ago and I lost that post when attempting to post it. Here is a simple copied and pasted version from Companion Planting .

ALFALFA: Perennial that roots deeply. Fixes the soil with nitrogen, accumulates iron, magnesium, phosphorous and potassium. Withstands droughts with it's long taproot and can improve just about any soil! Alfalfa has the ability to break up hard clay soil and can even send its' roots through rocks! Now that is a tenacious plant! Alfalfa is practically pest and disease free. It needs only natural rainfall to survive.

BEANS: All bean enrich the soil with nitrogen fixed form the air. In general they are good company for carrots, celery, chards, corn, eggplant, peas, potatoes, brassicas, beets, radish, strawberry and cucumbers. Great for heavy nitrogen users like corn and grain plants. French Haricot beans, sweet corn and melons are a good combo. Summer savory deters bean beetles and improves growth and flavor. Keep beans away from the alliums.

BEET: Good for adding minerals to the soil. The leaves are composed of 25% magnesium making them a valuable addition to the compost pile if you don't care to eat them. Companions are lettuce, kohlrabi, onions and brassicas. Garlic improves growth and flavor. They are also beneficial to beans with the exception of runner beans. Runner or pole beans and beets stunt each other's growth.

Borage: One of the best bee and wasp attracting plants. Adds trace minerals to the soil and a good addition the compost pile. The leaves contain vitamin C and are rich in calcium, potassium and mineral salts. Borage may benefit any plant it is growing next to via increasing resistance to pests and disease.

CHRYSANTHEMUMS: C. coccineum kills root nematodes. (the bad ones) It's flowers along with those of C. cineraruaefolium have been used as botanical pesticides for centuries. (i.e. pyrethrum) White flowering chrysanthemums repel Japanese beetles.

CORIANDER: Repels aphids, spider mites and potato beetle. A tea from this can be used as a spray for spider mites. A partner for anise.

GARLIC: Plant near roses to repel aphids. Accumulates sulfur: a naturally occurring fungicide which will help in the garden with disease prevention. Garlic is systemic in action as it is taken up the plants through their pores and when used as a soil drench is also taken up by the roots. Has value in offending codling moths, Japanese beetles, root maggots, snails, and carrot root fly. Researchers have observed that time-released garlic capsules planted at the bases of fruit trees actually kept deer away! Hey, worth a try! Concentrated garlic sprays have been observed to repel and kill whiteflies, aphids and fungus gnats among others with as little as a 6-8% concentration! It is safe for use on orchids too.

LAVENDER: Repels fleas and moths. Prolific flowering lavender nourishes many nectar feeding and beneficial insects. Lavenders can protect nearby plants from insects such as whitefly, and lavender planted under and near fruit trees can deter codling moth. Use dried sprigs of lavender to repel moths. Start plants in winter from cuttings, setting out in spring.

LEMON BALM: Sprinkle throughout the garden in an herbal powder mixture to deter many bugs. Lemon balm has citronella compounds that make this work: crush and rub the leaves on your skin to keep mosquitoes away! Use to ward off squash bugs!

Lovage: Gets very large and can be used for Camo, also known to improve flavor in almost all vegetables and herbs it is planted with.

MARJORAM: As a companion plant it improves the flavor of vegetables and herbs. Sweet marjoram is the most commonly grown type.

Mint: all forms of mint including peppermint, spearmint, catnip, horehound, contain menthol which repels nasty bugs and attracts beneficial ones.

NASTURTIUMS: Plant as a barrier around tomatoes, radishes, cabbage, cucumbers, and under fruit trees. Deters wooly aphids, whiteflies, squash bug, cucumber beetles and other pests of the cucurbit family. Great trap crop for aphids (in particular the black aphids) which it does attract, especially the yellow flowering varieties. Likes poor soil with low moisture and no fertilizer. It has been the practice of some fruit growers that planting nasturtiums every year in the root zone of fruit trees allow the trees to take up the pungent odor of the plants and repel bugs. Studies say it is among the best at attracting predatory insects. It has no taste effect on the fruit. A nice variety to grow is Alaska which has attractive green and white variegated leaves. The leaves, flowers and seeds are all edible and wonderful in salads!

Stinging Nettles: Good for guerrilla growers trying to prevent theit plants being found/stolen. Plant them in a big patch a decent radius around your plot, and they will quickly spread. Anyone who walks more than a foot into the patch will NOT be very happy, and is likely to turn around.

Peas: Like beans, these drop large amounts of nitrogen into the soil. Great for veg cycle. Highly recommended.

Chili peppers: These exude chemicals from their roots that prevent root rot and other Fusarium(sp?) diseases. They are also useful if deer, rabbits or mice often try to feed on your plot, as they are likely to try one of the chili fruits and then not try to feed in that area again (esp if you grow habaneros, mwahaha)

Southernwood: good camo plant as it gets large quickly and makes a strong lemony smell if brushed that can cover up the smell of your prized plants.

Soybeans: Another heavy nitrogen producer. grow it with your plants during veg cycle to throw them some extra organic nitrogen

TARRAGON: Plant throughout the garden, not many pests like this one. Recommended to enhance growth and flavor of vegetables.

YARROW: Yarrow has insect repelling qualities and is an excellent natural fertilizer. A handful of yarrow leaves added to the compost pile really speeds things up. Try it! It also attracts predatory wasps and ladybugs to name just two. It may increase the essential oil content of herbs when planted among
them.(sweeter smelling buds!)


Active Member
Something I happened to read in an herb catalog lately is that Marigolds produce a substance through their roots that resists nematodes. And it works for plants *around* the marigolds as well. I would have to look up what square foot coverage it provides.

Nice organic solution.

Something you outdoor growers might be able to use to your advantage.


Well-Known Member
I just finished a run with mites,and wondered if there were other plants that the mites liked more than cannibis.If you had these in the room with your plants would they fare a better chance? hmmm Hbr


Active Member
Companion planting is more about pairing a plant with another plant because one plant is helping to create a better environment for the other by adding nutrition to the soil, attracting predators or repelling pests. The fact that an aromatic herb is making the room smell nice is just a side effect, it's also going to make lots of insects leave the room. That is the point of companion planting, not just to obscure the smell and view of mj.

I just finished a run with mites,and wondered if there were other plants that the mites liked more than cannibis.If you had these in the room with your plants would they fare a better chance? hmmm Hbr
That's part of the idea. Add plants that the mites simply don't like and they should stay off the mj.

Plant - Nasturtium - Tropaeolum majus
Helps - Many plants, especially cucurbits (melons, cucumbers, gourds), beans, tomatoes, apple trees, brassicas (broccoli, cabbage, etc), radish
Attracts - predatory insects
Repels - aphids, cabbage looper, squash bug, white fly, cucumber beetles
Avoid - radish, cauliflower
It both works as a trap crop for aphids, and studies say is among the best at attracting predatory insects

Marijuana itself is a companion plant for the Brassica genus.
Plant - Hemp - Cannabis sativa L. subsp. sativa
Helps - Brassica (cabbage, brussels sprouts, other kales)
Repels many types of beetles which attack cabbages.

I will keep reading to see if there are more answers about why Nettles are companions for Mj, and to find other companions for mj.

[side note: "m j" being converted into mj is nice, but it should be Marijuana, with the capitol M...]

weed ho

Active Member
I was just going to suggest Lavender, Basil, or Anise. Mint would be like a menthol, not my style.
We plant Cosmo's, Dahlias, and Rose of Sharon to hide our girls.
I have a full herb garden as well but no cross over tastes yet! The girls are close to my Kiwi's and Asian Pear trees. It attracts lots of honey bees.

McFly NGuyen

Active Member
i had basil and mint close to my plants during the last grow. it seemed to help a lot in controlling spider mites, but it didnt solve the problem completly. for this grow i will grow mint and basil in the same pot, around the stem of my mother plant. The spider mites are very problematic around here.


Well-Known Member
I just finished a run with mites,and wondered if there were other plants that the mites liked more than cannibis.If you had these in the room with your plants would they fare a better chance? hmmm Hbr
Actually if you had a plant that was more respectable to mites than marijuana you could use it as an early warning plant. So when the other plant would show problems you would know it is time to do something.



A number of weeks ago i found quite a few seeds in my order. I was on my deck and decided, just for kicks, to put one in the plant I had in front of me, which happened to be a mint plant. Unbelievably, it's now maybe 6-8 weeks later, and a new plant has grown inside the mint plant that looks quite a bit like marijuana. I in no way thought it would work, but it has a similar stem to cannabis, it is budding in a similar way to marijuana where there are larger leaves growing and buds close to the stems of the leaves. The leaves are actually somewhat oval, but have serrated edges that look much like cannabis. It's coloring is identical as well. I don't know if this was some sort of magical cross-breeding of the two and i don't know if this is in anyway possible to smoke, but I think it is very possibly a successful cross-breeding of marijuana and mint.

what do you all think


Well-Known Member
This is a bit off topic but I was in Thailand and they were selling some Zig Zag menthol filters. I rolled a joint with one of the filters and we all got so ripped, I didn't try it again. Was it the mint?


Well-Known Member
I duno but my vaporzer bags are mint flavored and it does taste good!
I have some sweet basil that i will plant next to some hindukush ladies im about to start,i wonder if the meds will come out basily tasting? Hmmm