Coming Soon Seeing thru Walls!!

Thought it was my duty to report on a new technology coming down the pipes.

It works now but will be much be to expensive for the heat to use on a large scale but you know it will progress and it's something we need to consider.

This thread will hopefully serve as a spring board to allow all you tech heads to come together and suggest new ways to beat this..

Links to the article and company producing it are below.


well aren't you just a bearer of good news. imo someone would still have to draw attention in some way before anyone would be looking through their walls, but I certainly wouldn't want to grow in any apartment building once cops are using that type of gear, all it takes is for someone else in the building to draw attention in that circumstance.
sometimes i hate technology


Well-Known Member
I can't see the police using it any time soon. Such a device would come under the same rules as cameras I should think.
The emergency services, armed response units, SWAT, etc will probably make use of it though.
I can't see the police using it any time soon. Such a device would come under the same rules as cameras I should think.
The emergency services, armed response units, SWAT, etc will probably make use of it though.

Lets hope it's just the elite heat using them.. I have been thinking about it and its going to be a bear to stop sound waves!!


Well-Known Member
Lets hope it's just the elite heat using them.. I have been thinking about it and its going to be a bear to stop sound waves!!
There are speakers used that give off white noise to disrupt sound waves against a window. They are used for anti-surveillance.
But that thing gathers the waves through walls, I have a feeling that it will be a lot more difficult to disrupt all sound waves.


Well-Known Member
assholes can spend time and money on this technology and we still have people that cant eat on this planet. absurd what we spend money on, :finger: the man


Active Member
assholes can spend time and money on this technology and we still have people that cant eat on this planet. absurd what we spend money on, :finger: the man
It's absurd to think its absurd to spend money on technology. If we hadn't spent money on technology we wouldn't even have a chance of feeding today's world. Technology that seems pointless often leads to large advances in other fields, including areas of humanitarian efforts and helps those in need. As we progress farther and "waste" all this money we come better able to help others as well. Obviously this is always the case with all technology, but one cannot know before research what implications their results may have.


Well-Known Member
It would be well against your constitutional rights (right of privacy) to use that item. However I could totally see the military using it and cops using it in sticky situations (hold ups and hostage situations). What won't shock me is that cops will try to use that on some poor sap. Then that case will have to make a supreme court precedent against it's use till then they'd use.


Active Member
assholes can spend time and money on this technology and we still have people that cant eat on this planet. absurd what we spend money on, :finger: the man
It would be well against your constitutional rights (right of privacy) to use that item. However I could totally see the military using it and cops using it in sticky situations (hold ups and hostage situations). What won't shock me is that cops will try to use that on some poor sap. Then that case will have to make a supreme court precedent against it's use till then they'd use.
It would likely fall under the same rules for IR detection. Police can't just scan your house randomly for no reason. No there are times when they may scanning someone else's house and see by accident what you are doing, which at times is admissible in court. I see no reason this would have exceptions to the rules currently controlling this. You are given more rights in your home then any other place I can think of. It is your sanctuary and the court/constitution views it this way as well. Just be smart, lots of things can get a warrant for your house, but they are things YOU can control and prevent from happening.


Well-Known Member
This is a radar system, it bounces waves off of objects on the other side of the wall.

It is not for heat detection like FLIR, and would be of no use in detecting an indoor grow, but would be of great use in hostage rescue operations.

Straight up G

New Member
It's absurd to think its absurd to spend money on technology. If we hadn't spent money on technology we wouldn't even have a chance of feeding today's world. Technology that seems pointless often leads to large advances in other fields, including areas of humanitarian efforts and helps those in need. As we progress farther and "waste" all this money we come better able to help others as well. Obviously this is always the case with all technology, but one cannot know before research what implications their results may have.
Maybe, but in this instance I disagree we have NO constitutional rights, they abuse these "rights" daily as frequently proved by Barry Cooper and others, if they are putting enough money for a pack of gum into detecting grows its too much and dyu no what there would be little or no world hunger if these disgusting cunts wern't spending billions on wars only to make a gain for themselves these people would be self sufficiant if only given the chance. Fuck any pig that ever reads this post.


Active Member
Maybe, but in this instance I disagree we have NO constitutional rights, they abuse these "rights" daily as frequently proved by Barry Cooper and others, if they are putting enough money for a pack of gum into detecting grows its too much and dyu no what there would be little or no world hunger if these disgusting cunts wern't spending billions on wars only to make a gain for themselves these people would be self sufficiant if only given the chance. Fuck any pig that ever reads this post.
Money spent on wars is a topic I am not about to get into. And for every time our rights are breached there is another law enforcement officer doing a stand up job, or another letting some dumb teens who were smoking pot go with a warning. I have many run in with cops who were completely helpful even though I was in trouble and those who don't give a damn about what the truth actually is. Those who break the laws in law enforcement should be fired. Barry Cooper proving that our rights is broken is a pretty lame statement. If you've watched the news everyone knows it has happened. Police brutality and what not is reported all the time. Barry didn't let us know anything we didn't already. These are human beings in these jobs, humans are prone to error as well as some are prone to not follow any rules. No matter where you go you will find a "bad apple". To criticize the entire law enforcement agencies is too blatant. at times when people claim their rights were broken they will often not even know their rights or what is legal or not.... How many on here are experts in criminal law? Constitutional law? When the cops come to bust someone little grow operation, how are they to know you are only growing for yourself? How do they know you aren't selling to kids? How do they know you haven't taken part in violent actions to protect your territory? How are they to know whether you are just an ordinary citizen or a low life scum ruining others lives? Do they know you aren't selling other types of drugs? They do their job to remove those who would help destroy others lives and make others lives miserable. In the end it is ILLEGAL to grow marijuana for most citizens. For any one of us to complain about the cops doing their job is moronic. I wouldn't want to be busted anymore then anyone else. But in the end the cops don't make the laws, they enforce them, it is our country, more specifically congress that makes national laws, representatives that WE elected. If you don't like it, vote for someone else, even better go campaign for that representative you believe is better. Anyone who complains about the laws of this country but sits on their ass doing nothing about is has no right to bitch. When did citizens forget that we control the government and can make changes if we want. But most would rather sit at home watching the news complaining how bad it is and wondering when someone else will do something because they are too "busy". Look at the 60's, the population ended a war they did not believe in. Once citizens take time to be informed they will have the power to do something.

Sorry for rant, I just get annoyed of everyone complaining and most not willing to take the time to do anything about it. The U.S. is lazy and ignorant in todays world and couldn't tell you anything of the world beyond what is right in front of their own nose.

PS: this was all aimed at the U.S.


Well-Known Member
i watched the video it uses some kind of radar type technology utilizing sounds waves to locate objects through walls. They cannot see that there is marijuana plants in your living room or see your hot naked girlfriend taking a shower. they can just see that there is a human looking object walking around with other non moving objects. Its basically to help see if theres people and how many are behind a wall without going inside. Useful for certain things but i feel like not the best for seeing gardens of marijuana maybe if they used inferred cameras as well.

Straight up G

New Member
Money spent on wars is a topic I am not about to get into. And for every time our rights are breached there is another law enforcement officer doing a stand up job, or another letting some dumb teens who were smoking pot go with a warning. I have many run in with cops who were completely helpful even though I was in trouble and those who don't give a damn about what the truth actually is. Those who break the laws in law enforcement should be fired. Barry Cooper proving that our rights is broken is a pretty lame statement. If you've watched the news everyone knows it has happened. Police brutality and what not is reported all the time. Barry didn't let us know anything we didn't already. These are human beings in these jobs, humans are prone to error as well as some are prone to not follow any rules. No matter where you go you will find a "bad apple". To criticize the entire law enforcement agencies is too blatant. at times when people claim their rights were broken they will often not even know their rights or what is legal or not.... How many on here are experts in criminal law? Constitutional law? When the cops come to bust someone little grow operation, how are they to know you are only growing for yourself? How do they know you aren't selling to kids? How do they know you haven't taken part in violent actions to protect your territory? How are they to know whether you are just an ordinary citizen or a low life scum ruining others lives? Do they know you aren't selling other types of drugs? They do their job to remove those who would help destroy others lives and make others lives miserable. In the end it is ILLEGAL to grow marijuana for most citizens. For any one of us to complain about the cops doing their job is moronic. I wouldn't want to be busted anymore then anyone else. But in the end the cops don't make the laws, they enforce them, it is our country, more specifically congress that makes national laws, representatives that WE elected. If you don't like it, vote for someone else, even better go campaign for that representative you believe is better. Anyone who complains about the laws of this country but sits on their ass doing nothing about is has no right to bitch. When did citizens forget that we control the government and can make changes if we want. But most would rather sit at home watching the news complaining how bad it is and wondering when someone else will do something because they are too "busy". Look at the 60's, the population ended a war they did not believe in. Once citizens take time to be informed they will have the power to do something.

Sorry for rant, I just get annoyed of everyone complaining and most not willing to take the time to do anything about it. The U.S. is lazy and ignorant in todays world and couldn't tell you anything of the world beyond what is right in front of their own nose.

PS: this was all aimed at the U.S.
You have only had good experiences, me I've only had bad ones and the common factor is them stealing minutes and hours of my life and genrally attempting to control me and my actions, you only live once this is not a rehersal. If you actually do believe a bent pig should be fired [which I suspect you couldn't give a shit] you would not condem Barry Cooper "Barry didn't let us know anything we didn't already know" its not what he's letting you know- he is providing evidence to contribute to these bent pigs being put out of a job a cause which you profess to be in support of, police have traits of corruption, bribes, power trips, brutality, arrogance, and often are a law onto themselves. Lame statement it was a relevent statement and I am entitled to my opinion but I'm sure in your ideal world I would also be stripped of that or it would be taxed, next you will be saying these goverment minions and their governments have our best intrests at heart and not the accumulation of money, power that corrupts them futher and a dick measuring contest in the form of war, world war and total corruption, one world sized chess board.

"For any one of us to complain about the cops doing their job is moronic."
Fuck that, by allegedly serving the public they should be the first scrutinized for the quality of thier work and what better judge than the public who they serve without compromise, please.

"The U.S. is lazy and ignorant in todays world and couldn't tell you anything of the world beyond what is right in front of their own nose." Unbelivable, I may not judge an entire police force [which incidently I did not even do] but in the same breath you have judged an entire nation millions of which are children yet to even speak a word.

"Specifically congress that makes national laws, representatives that WE elected." I don't vote and you would have to be a retard to belive that these representatives do not all have one common goal AND that who you see before you is really in charge.

"Look at the 60's, the population ended a war they did not believe in.
"Once citizens take time to be informed they will have the power to do something." Do not belive this it is government propaganda." -Really were you there working for the government at that moment, you have no idea; American G.i. forums and civil rights activists some say they ended that war but I guess we will never know besides that all you know is what you have been told and you swallow it because it tastes good to you.

"These are human beings" every one of them will be there for some or other reason of self indulgence [just as in any other choice of employment for others] exept the difference is it impacts our lives I am not going to argue the point back and forth like a small child as far as I am concearned many and most are criminals in different packaging.

As far as I am concearned growing and smoking weed is legal- fuck their laws.

So can the man [i.e. you] please tell me who is appointed to police the police- didn't think so.

EDIT: Maybe one day you will see just how little bearing me or you will have on this world and its goverments..
Maybe, but in this instance I disagree we have NO constitutional rights, they abuse these "rights" daily as frequently proved by Barry Cooper and others, if they are putting enough money for a pack of gum into detecting grows its too much and dyu no what there would be little or no world hunger if these disgusting cunts wern't spending billions on wars only to make a gain for themselves these people would be self sufficiant if only given the chance. Fuck any pig that ever reads this post.

I agree... This is such bullshit.. Do you really think they won't "misuse" this? They will, trust me.

That being said, I have no fucking idea if that thing will work against us. What I do know is they will try to use it against us when that ten thousand dollar clump of shit is being wasted in the "new tech" room of the lawman's toy department...

We need to stay ahead of EVERYTHING!! Knowledge is power. Let's not fall behind...
