coming close to flowering


Active Member
hey guys im a nube so i still have a bunch of questions . . . i have been vegging my plants for about a month and a half now theyr looking very bushy and healthy. 1) i started 2 seeds at the same time one of the plants is growing much faster and much bigger, very large broad leaves and the other looks smaller and more delicate. is the smaller one female? 2)and does it matter if they are right next to each other in veg. state? 3)they are both about a foot high should i keep vegging them till i get them as tall as i want?
thanks happy toking:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
If you have a male it wont sex up your girl till the flowering process starts.

12 inches is ok to flower... I like mine more than that though and very very full.

When ever I see a plant that is kicking the rest of the plants in veg I get attatched to that plant but everytime It goes male.


Active Member
cool thanks dude . . . yea i just bet its a male haha . . . when do u start the cloning process after u start flowering?