Come and Have some laughs !


Well-Known Member
Hey guys !
Sweeeeettttcheeba here with just some good ol sessions, of laughs.
It can be anything you find funny a story something happened to you that was scary of just like wow, pick something and share !
PLEASE Try to stay on subject here, sometime things tend to drift away off, thats why there are threadssss..... thhhrreeadss..


SO I will start it off.

About 7 months ago I re-started smoking. I had to stop for a few months from a work issue, you know how it is.. Anyways I decided I was readdy again got a great job now so ya know, so I calls up my homie and asks if he is down to do a little bit of turning some green to ash if ya know what im sayin tonight ? So we gets some lemon kush go down to the park and start smoking. Now let me say its not very smart all the time, but hey I live here for fucks sake so I have rights, and the people can suck a dick if they dont like it...anyways we were stoned making jokes about how it would be funny if the cops rolled up and shit, ya know good times...anyways we keep smoking and shit and about fifth with some teens rolls by and the 911 with the flashing lights rolls in, and at first I was like fuck the police, but then I realized I really didn't want to go down, but at least I was super baked, best way to go down I see. and plus I had a quad on me so I would have been kinda fucked with a bong and shit too. So we booked it down in the revine that runs through our houses theres a river and shit its crazy, and ways he didn't see us he went to our cars and shit I had the weed on me but I left my back window down and it reaked of weed. SO we hid in these thick brussel bushes stoned as fuck hidding still cracking jokes about mike tyson and how he talks, ya know chillin and then we started running with zippo lighters through the hills and through s rock piles about 1/4 mile pretty much the cop went around in the scool by the park waiting for us to come and get in so he could roll us, but we walked the oppisit way he couldnt even see us. Rambo ran to the cars put them in nuetral and coasted down the hill. after about 20 or so turned it over and booked it to the house, he didn't know till what happened after, plus with my dad and all the cops cant really come to the house...but if I got nailed bad things ya know...

Anyways sorry it was long, pretty intense shit ya know I could write a book I swear. Life of a Stonner lol