Columbian shrooms


Well-Known Member
I ate shrooms once... I'm sticking with acid :/
I faced an 1/8th of them, all that happened was a sore neck and colours were kinda funny.


Well-Known Member
You will have a great time if you are wanting to have fun, and have a positive outlook. Don't do them if you have any reservations. Make sure you have friends around that are shrooming with you. It'll be fun


Well-Known Member
yeah, I did shrooms for the first time last weekend, me and my girl split an 1/8th, really fucked us up, can't even explain, just the world looks different, but when it looks different it's not really that it looks differen't it FEEELS different. Anyway, I would say do em, but be in a good mood, my girl was kinda scared for like 2 hours cuz she wasn't relaxed just real anxious and she didn't have fun at first, but then she got in a good mood and we had a great 5 hours of straight hardface tripping (waking up 5 hours later to go to work wasn't too fun though, make sure you don't have to do anything the next day)