Colorado Medical recomendations?


Well-Known Member
Over the past 3 months or so I have been looking into moving to a Medical Marijuana I've made a decision that Colorado would be best since it's closer than California and cheaper too, but I'm also afraid that while I could get a Medical card in Cali, I'm not so sure about Colorado. I'm hoping someone here can help me with this difficult problem(hopefully non problem) of mine. Would it be worth my time to try, with my medical conditions I've described below for me to get a recommendation from a doctor in Colorado? I've read many different things that kinda make it vary somewhat about weather I could get the recommendation or not. I hear that they are cracking down on the medical cannabis, yet I also heard the average age is 24. Anyone who can help me I will defiantly plus rep.

I'm 24 years old, engaged, and had a full time career. I've suffered from chronic back pain due to a broken tailbone since a Basketball injury when I was 17. Followed by a broken leg and wrist from trying to play again when I should have just quit.
I've always been very anxious/nervous and worry excessively. The anxiety often would make me aggressive and easily angered although I've never been violent until I was on Lortabs. I am also very depressed even in the best of times. In the past year I talk to my psychiatrist about the "mental issues" I suffered from since I was growing deeply depressed and also in a growing amount of pain in my shoulders, back, hip, and legs.
I was prescribed Lortabs originally for my pain for the broken leg, but they cause adverse reactions plus I overdosed after the doctor who preformed the surgery on my leg continued to tell me to take Lortabs for pain(long story). I asked a new doctor for something else and was prescribed Darvacet, which caused severe rashes. During this time my best friend of 23 years introduced my fiance and I onto Cannabis.

I had cannabis once before when I was 15 and I didn't get high or if I did, I couldn't stand it. This, though, was different, instead of being compressed and tasting like... Shit, like the time when I was in High School. This was covered in Crystals, green and purple with just a little bit of red and white hairs. He called it Purple Fucking Diesel.

My state will “rape a pot smoker, and murder a grower.” as someone on this thread once said about the fed. Government. So after deciding that smoking/growing in my state wasn't a good idea, I went to the doctor again. I was given Ibuprofen and Tramodol. After this I stopped caring about anything, no sexual interest in my very attractive 21 year old fiance; The pain wasn't gone, and now my stomach was being torn apart. I couldn't take the pills due to my stomach.

My fiance has always been supportive of me in everything I've done. When I told her I was going to stop taking the prescriptions, she helped me by being completely understanding when I would yell for no reason or made an ass out of myself. Soon I started enjoying my fiance again if you know what I mean.
Enter a new demon: After the first day I started having a lot of trouble sleeping and I would even forget to eat. I stayed up for 3 days and also didn't eat for those 3 days. This was 4 months ago and I haven't sleep though one night except maybe once when I slept for about 6 hours, I've returned to a better eating habit but still have a very hard time ratting and I haven't worked now in almost a year(before that I was a teacher for mental ill children). I can't work if I don't sleep. I'm constantly irritable and depressed. I might be luck to sleep 4 hours a night and basically I HATE MY LIFE!
Desperate from a lack of sleep and help with appetite, I tried cannabis again. I took 1 hit and settled back into my couch.... I felt much more relaxed. After about 30 minutes I decided that pepperoni Pizza sounded amazing, called my fiance and had her pick it up on her way home. I ate it and the order of Pizza and bread sticks by myself in about 10 minutes. Cuddled on the couch and feel easily to sleep and had a great nights rest.

So here I am illegally using what seems like a miracle solution to my problems. I use cannabis as needed, about twice a day, usually only in the evening, before dinner, but I have yet to find a job that will hire me without a drug test unless it's fast food.

I refuse to take the Tramodol, Darvacet, Lortabs because I feel mentally numb for a lack of a better term. They all have side effects that I can't handle where Marijuana doesn't. I've been told I'm just a pot head chasing a high, but if I was just chasing the high, why would I turn down Lortabs, Tramodol and Darvacet?

Sorry if anything is unclear or misspelled, I'll anwser any questions that might help.
Thank you, and much love RIU members!



Well-Known Member
Thank you, I've recieved a few IM's agreeing with you. I will be moving to Colorado Spings in early January just after the holidays.