College? Career?


Well-Known Member
Retired independent software vendor. Never graduated high school, although I did get a GED in the Army, and did go to college for a bit after I got out of the Army. In my early 40s and retired, life is good, no more alarm clocks, just wake and bake and do whatever the hell I want. (I do have a diabetic kitty though, so I have to give her insulin twice a day, so she's my job now I guess. Heh.)


Well-Known Member
ha, what i do at work?

i get in at 6am, chitchat and read the news paper with coworkers, drink a cup of coffee.

7am, i go down to the lab, try to remember what i was working on the day before. check my experiments, mix some stuff.

8am, coffee #2, smooze with management that's getting in and doing the coffee/newspaper deal.

9am, back to the lab, poke around, run some test.

10am, meeting, coffee #3 (caffiene is a great drug)

11am, meeting

noon, lunch, if i can get sales/management come with me, they pay.

1pm, lab

2pm, meetings

3pm, home

your work day sound's pretty nice. I don't like working in a routine, though. or chemistry. but that still sounds like a good job to me


Well-Known Member
I've been working 2 jobs this summer (both just barely above minimum wage) and I must say I have a new found respect for people stuck in that position. I sure as hell wouldn't be able to keep this up day in and day out.