Cold Fusion Verified? 10,000x the energy density of gas!


Well-Known Member
Wow, interesting. Good reference. I'll be looking for this. I hope the paper passes muster in the review. I'd really like to see it.

Secret additives...Fusion of Nickel and Hydrogen to produce that budget???

I'll not be holding my breath. :)


Well-Known Member

"An independent test report of Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat HT2 is available at the Cornell University Library archive. The team, seemingly led by Hanno Essén of the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden included four collaborators from Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden with Mr. Rossi’s old friend Giuseppe Levi of Bologna University and Evelyn Foschi of Bologna Italy.The team collected data over two experimental runs lasting 96 and 116 hours, respectively. Anomalous heat production was indicated in both experiments. It would appear fairly conclusively the E-Cat HT2 works.

Using the most conservative assumptions as to the errors in the measurements, the result is energy production still one order of magnitude greater than conventional energy sources and could be as high a three orders of magnitude.

As noted the independent test was run with people quite familiar to Mr. Rossi. This is no particular surprise. It is in fact to be expected, both the need for expertise as well as familiarity. None of the real world circumstances are going to satisfy the skeptics, critics and naysayers. But the report paper is generously offered to anyone who cares to look and offers a quite thorough look at the protocols and procedures with worthwhile insight to the device and its performance.
The test is also noteworthy in that the financial support for the team came from and is credited to the private Alba Langenskiöld Foundation and commercial firm ELFORSK AB. This too is not a surprise as close watchers have noted that the Swedes are following closely and have begun their effort to commercialize the technology.
The test set out to determine if the E-Cat HT2 is a net energy producer. The test design is patterned on an open flame method where the measurements are of radiated heat rather than immersion in water for a convection transfer. This method makes no assumptions about the nature of the E-Cat HT2 reaction or the contents of the reactor. Thus no conditions are made for the presumed LENR or Cold Fusion activity, the heat is measured the same way you would measure an electrically heated cylinder or a gas flame combusting inside a cylinder.
The test result paper has come out a little over a month after the event. The test took place at Rossi’s facility in Italy. The apparatus used was provided by the test team.
It’s a pretty clean test. Of course lots of folks can poke holes, but the team, its financial backers and interested commercial interests got what they wanted.
The cleanliness is important. Using the test to determine the source of the energy output would only complicate the protocols. The point wasn’t how, rather a simple “does it or does it not”. Why bother with the how until you have a concrete “it does.”
That leads to the news that the next test experiment, which is expected to start in the summer of 2013 and last about six months, is to be a long-term performance test of the E-Cat HT2. That test will be crucial for further attempts to unveil the origin of the heat phenomenon observations.
Rossi has enough prescience to grasp that commercial use has to lead the science research needed to gain understanding. Surely the established science community is watching, but established science works on well, established science, where expertise and depth of understanding can delve further into the particular fields.
Cold Fusion got blown as soon as labels were applied from familiar fields, which threatened the established knowledge. It’s a sorry situation when human nature needs to associate the new with the old fails and drag the wholly new into science oblivion.
Cold Fusion, LENR or other labels are all addressing a basic truth – it’s a new field, fantastically exciting, packed with potential, and the most compellingly interesting thing since germs and radiation."



Well-Known Member
Rossi's e-cat? It's woo look at how they aren't allowed to examine the power supply during tests
Reading through this. They destroyed the first apparatus. They decided to limit the power on the second run to only 360w. ??? WTF? I have an old Denon amp that will do 700w.

Very interesting read. it is only the beginning and like the Warrior, I'm not getting my hopes up.

But, I lifted this chart to show us what this is. Notice how wimpy Hydrogen fuel is to advanced flywheels. !!!

This Ni-Cu fusion is off the chart even on the first trial for peer review.

Most likely this is wishful thinking somewhere.Energy.jpg


Well-Known Member
Another thing is that unless, there is full revelation of the secret sauces, we can never know how they contribute to heat production, now can we?

Some team of dis-interested, in a commercial sense, Scientists at another institution beyond reproach, can be put under strict commercial non-disclosure license. They can then be apprised of all the details. If they rule out the sauce itself as the exothem agent, then I can feel better.

For all we know they mined the World Trade Center site for that secret super-duper, nano themite. :)


Ursus marijanus
Has it been published in Chemistry, yet? That's the true test. A paper can be presented on Cornell's website but that is not published peer review, as I understand it. No?
Why not Nature? Go for the gold (a proton at a time). cn


Well-Known Member
Why not Nature? Go for the gold (a proton at a time). cn
Well, the art of publishing is to honor the strict hierarchy. :)

There are other journals, I get your point. If this is Transmutation it is not Chemistry...good call.

So, I'm going with Warrior (who I love) on this one. Rossi is a bad egg, so we will see. Someone can donate a piece of hash to eat for the loser. Any bet?


Ursus marijanus
Actually I see it as chemistry of the nuclear sort. Nature is top of the heap for any science publishing. It's the (gold) standard imo. cn