Coco Growers Unite!


Active Member
Don't know what parts you are form and whats available to you but I highly recommend GH flora nutes. Go lucas and you don't even have to buy the green bottle.
Tried and true. Check the pic; coco, GH lucas formula, GrapefruitXBlueberyy by chimera seeds



Active Member
Nice bro.
Can you tell me how you posted your pic so big? The only way I can post a pic is thru that manage attachment button. but those pics come out thumbnail size in the thread and you have to click on them to see them bigger.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
no prbs man, hit my rollitup top left then the pictures and albums button add an album add the pics then when you want to post if you look under the pic you'll see two rows of text copy the top one and in your post press the pic button ( little yellow square with the sun and a mountain in it) in the tools above the message box paste your code in and hit enter.

roberts your fathers brother.



Not so fella and i get my info from the Canna web site cheak it out. The coco bricks do need to be bufferd, the loose stuff dont. Also it is recomended that a good wet dry watering routine is the way to go.
The coco experts.


Well-Known Member
im gunna agree with eyeco on this one..........

also, the bcuzz coco can be very high in salts......... ive seen run off from brand new bcuzz coco come out as high as 2000 ppm's.


Well-Known Member
Ok so lots of people are saying to have coco coir dry out before re watering? it has already been over a week and it is still damp. with the coco being wet so long i cant feed as much as i would like to. how do you guys get about doing this? i just picked up grandma enggys h-2....humic acid. i also picked up botanicare's cal-mag. do you use as directed on back of bottle?
i cant really do the water nute water nute....or water water nute water water do i get them the required amounts of nutrients? so much time goes by before i need to water again.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt let it dry out all the way because coco is hydro but u get most of your root growth when it is on the dryer side , not the wetter.

as for the cal mag... it depends on your water source, but i would use around 150 ppm's of it. (add it first)

use some nutes with every watering....... plain water messes with your micro life and buffers.

once your plants are established the coco will start drying out faster.... the first couple of weeks can be damp........ use less water and try using smaller pots for the first week or two... or add some perlite to the coco.

there is always foliar feeds as well.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply mang. just gotta allow them roots to gain some ground. can this cal mag be used as foliar feeding? do u use humic acid and cal mag every water?


Well-Known Member
i only use rhizotonic as a foiliar during veg.

i do add 100-200 ppm's of cal mag every watering and my canna coco already contains the humic acids.


Well-Known Member
Right on. I just recently purchased a ppm reader but i havent been able to find a good use for it. Can you explain to me how it helps with your grow? Possibly, how i can apply it and start using it on a regular basis? I just mixed nutes ppm came out 960 and runoff showed 210. Now this only tells me that the coco has took most of the dissolved solids correct? Is there any other way i can apply this?


Well-Known Member
that is a big drop in your run off.... imo, that would be a signal to raise my nutes a bit... i would try bumping it up to 1100-1200 and see what the run off is...

that is one way to use the meter, If the run off comes out higher than what you put in, then i would lower the ppm's.... if it comes out way way lower like yours did, then i would increase the ppm's. But this method only works when the coco is fairly new, once the coco starts to decompose then it will skyrocket the ppm's of your run off and basicly give you false readings.

u can also use the meter to increase and decrease your nutes depending on what week of growth u are in as well as to check your tap water for quality.

organic nutes cant accurately be measured with the meter fyi


Well-Known Member
do you have any suggestions on what ppm should be during different phases of plant life? this is the first big feed ive done...didnt want to do too much at once if you know what i mean...with transplanting, training, light changes..etc.


Well-Known Member
i start around 800 ppm for rooted cuttings and work my way up...

weeks 4, 5, and 6 is when i try to pump them up then i taper down to nothing for week 7...

and my max. peak is around 1350 ppm