Coco Growers Unite!


Well-Known Member
Nope, the only problem I ever have is bugs now and then. It's basically drain-to-waste hydroponics using coco as the media. Simple, easy, and good plants.

My opinion is that coco coir is in fact a hydroponic medium, and you get the best results if you treat it hydroponically and don't think of it as soil. I get excellent results, using 100% coco coir, generic fertilizer, and tapwater. Just pH to 5.8 and treat it like hydro. It's practically impossible to overwater.
I take it one more step than you do. This is my first coco grow, spent the last couple of yrs in perlite. I grow in 3gal hempy bucket, and I use Osmocote Plus. So I can't avoid feeding with every watering. I have to water every 2 to 3 days. I really like the coco, it has eliminated the need for me to use ph adjusting chemicals. I have been checking my run-off this run and its shown me a lot.

My feed water, 50/50 mix RO & tap 5ml cal/mag, 2ml GH Silica, 8 drops Floralicious Plus per gal. My tap has a very hi tds.

Water In Ph 6.8 - EC .7 / Run-off out PH 5.6 EC 1.8

IMHO many garden shop fertilizers are just as good if not better than the brightly colored bottles. And if you're not over feeding then there is no reason not to feed with every watering.

Day 25 grown with Osmocote (large one in the middle, little ones are early sexing project)


Active Member
Hi, Im new to this thread but not to coco. Been in it for three years, 2+ in bcuzz. started with the bricks but switched to 70%-30 bcuzz / pearlite are pics of my last OG kush plant I harvested. 6.5 zips in a 5gallon smart potdownload (1).jpgdownload (3).jpgdownload (4).jpgdownload (5).jpg


Active Member
here are some more recent coco meds, the one in the cloner is sour diesel

download (6).jpg

i think this one is purple train wreck

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my bud room 3 hoods x 1000 watts
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whittaker blue i think
download (9).jpg
Question for all your big bucket Coco farmers, especially you open horizon...

How much runoff are you getting, per pot (5 gal fibre pot) when you feed? And for how long are you watering?

I recently decided to scrog out in 5 Gal Root Pots, bottom 2" Perlite, rest of the mix being 70/30 Coco to Perlite, and it seems like I never get that 10-20% runoff at the bottom of the pot that I'm used to seeing.

It's somewhat concerning to me because I'm paranoid of salt buildup/lockout problems and I don't want to flush the Mykos out. I can hold the watering wand for 7-10 seconds with nothing really happening besides a little puddle building up and then getting sucked up by the Coco.

I realize every situation is personal. I'm curious what the masses say.


Well-Known Member
so add more until it runs off
you do not have to let coco dry out before watering, in fact I would recommend you do not


Well-Known Member
so add more until it runs off
you do not have to let coco dry out before watering, in fact I would recommend you do not
Are you using organic nutes? I think you really want to let it dry out some with organic. It could be a coincidence, but when I was keeping my pots really moist all the time, my plants didn't seem happy and I got what looked like iron chlorosis.
I don't particularly let it dry out, maybe the top half inch or so. I use Alg-a-mic, which is organic, but the rest is a hodge-podge of Canna, H&G, and Botanicare.

I guess I'm wondering just how much should I be watering these 5 gal. I know, I know, it's personal, but jeez, 10 sec seems like a long time to not see any runoff, and the water is certainly flowing (I use a 1585 gph pump). I feel the side of the fibre pot down to where the perlite is, it feels moist and cool...

Fuck, I think I need a bigger Rez.

Oh yeah, and thanks to all you guys n gals for responding. You are all awesome.


Well-Known Member
I use 5 gallon superoots airpots and put about a gallon in most days. Sometimes I water to waste, sometimes I don't.


Well-Known Member
I use five gallon smart pots with 75/25 coco/perlite, GO nutes, and I put 1g in every 2-3 days. My room temps are usually in the mid to high 70s with 40-60% RH with lights on. These plants are 3-4 ft tall. Never wilting and there's usually moisture a few inches down before the next watering.


Active Member
Well, after 6 months of absolute shit luck trying to grown indoors with organic soil. I am saying "fuck it" and switching over to a hand watered "passive hydro" style coco grow. My question is I have all of these wonderful organic soil amendments now and what to do with them. They wont go to waist as I will be starting my tomatoes and peppers for my outdoor organic garden here in the next couple months. I was wondering how nutrient teas perform in coco? Or am I just way better off sticking to the GH three part & cal-mag I already have coming in the mail?


Active Member
You can make up the teas if you want to for the coco they should work but I wouldn't mix them with the chemical stuff
I use to make teas for my coco but the shit was always messy


Thanks for the detailed info...Im going to look into this and see if i can apply it to my setup. I like that coco will be more thats exactly what i need.


Well-Known Member
Well, after 6 months of absolute shit luck trying to grown indoors with organic soil. I am saying "fuck it" and switching over to a hand watered "passive hydro" style coco grow. My question is I have all of these wonderful organic soil amendments now and what to do with them. They wont go to waist as I will be starting my tomatoes and peppers for my outdoor organic garden here in the next couple months. I was wondering how nutrient teas perform in coco? Or am I just way better off sticking to the GH three part & cal-mag I already have coming in the mail?
You can use organic amendments with coco. I just mixed some up myself this morning: dolomite lime, blood meal, bone meal, cottonseed meal, kelp meal, dry molasses, green sand, epsom salt, myco.

GH three part (I actually used micro and bloom only) with cal mag is simple too. I prefer organic myself but both work great.


I love the thread!! I am using 25 gal smart pots with crutons and I have been watering every other day about 4 gallons a piece it takes till I get 15% run off. They seem to be getting over watered tho, kind of eagle tallons on them so i flushed them with plain water as i thought this was a overload on the nutes, but that seem to make matters worse. so i let them dry out a bit and it seems to be doing better. My question is... I thought I couldn't over water these ladies using Coco Cruton/ hand watering with a home made watering system... (Res and hose) could I have been over watering them? or is this something else? please help. I'm using Advanced Nutrients Grand Master line up. watering at 5.8, I have now cut back to water about 2.5 to three gallons hardly any run off. waiting to see if this works. the eagle tallons seem to be straightening back out but still I am worried..? Flowers look amazing. I'm new to this site, I have pics in a thread of my indoor setup.


Active Member
Question for all your big bucket Coco farmers, especially you open horizon...

How much runoff are you getting, per pot (5 gal fibre pot) when you feed? And for how long are you watering?

I recently decided to scrog out in 5 Gal Root Pots, bottom 2" Perlite, rest of the mix being 70/30 Coco to Perlite, and it seems like I never get that 10-20% runoff at the bottom of the pot that I'm used to seeing.

It's somewhat concerning to me because I'm paranoid of salt buildup/lockout problems and I don't want to flush the Mykos out. I can hold the watering wand for 7-10 seconds with nothing really happening besides a little puddle building up and then getting sucked up by the Coco.

I realize every situation is personal. I'm curious what the masses say.

Hi plateofpakora,

I alternate water feed.When i water add water till my trays are full then shop vac out the excess. When I feed I just feed till i get a little bit of runoff. I also fill 2" of perlite to help draininage.