CO2 Question!


Active Member

This is probably a stupid question, but I'm wondering how much CO2 is produced by a person relative to how much the plants would need. As in, would 10 people standing in your grow room produce noticeable amounts of CO2? Or is the amount produced by a CO2 burner far beyond what a group of people could exhale.

Some ppm numbers would be very helpful from anyone knowledgeable on this! Cheers:weed:


Well-Known Member
I think if you jammed people in so tight that they couldn't move, you would get a proper amount of CO2. As tight as 4 people in a port-a-potty-that close.

The level of CO2 indoors depends upon:

  • the number of people present
  • how long an area has been occupied
  • the amount of outdoor fresh air entering the area
  • the size of the room or area
  • whether combustion by-products are contaminating the indoor air (e.g., idling vehicles near air intakes, leaky furnaces, tobacco smoke)
  • the outdoor concentration

Some facts:


Active Member
Ah thanks for the info, I was just curious as I don't have a co2 meter and was wondering if all the animals we have living with us (in 1000sqft place, no circulated air baseboard heaters) are actually helping the plants with all the co2 they're breathing out...

5 cats, 3 ferrets, rabbit, chinchilla, dog...all staying in the place 24/7 (aside from the dog of course). Course they're small animals...

I think I'm just trying to find more of a reason to validate having as many animals as I do....dam