Co2 Good ol' sugar water and yeast

So does anyone have any methods of producing CO2 for my grow room besides buying all the expensive shit? At least until I get some more $$$


Active Member
Wow! a pound of sugar a single packet of yeast? I used yeast method when i had a live aquarium with live plants. But that requires alot less than in air. i used a 2 liter bottle with 3/4 cup sugar and 1 tsp of yeast. maybe you could do the math to mix multiple batches at once? but i diffused it in the tank with an airstone. had to stir the bottle once a day and change out every 5 days. maybe with a co2 tank along with the yeast method could work but i dont think it would be enough for a grow over 4' x 4' without a ten gallon drum..


Active Member
Cool, so do you have any other ways of producing CO2 out of somewhat "household" items?
If you can stand the smell vinegar and baking soda. I don't know right off hand but there are tons of things that can be mixed to produce co2. Just like vinegar and baking soda there is a possibility of bad effects on your changing the smell or possible a chemical vapor effect of some sort. those expensive co2 boost buckets are just a few chemicals that produce co2 when mixed and/or exposed to oxygen. im not sure exactly which or both ive never actually used one.