Co2 from tonic water ?


Active Member
What's everyone's theory on Co2 from carbonated tonic water and what is the procedure for applying it to the plants?


Well-Known Member
i used tonic water on my plants - did not do them any harm as far as i could tell - then again it was my first grow so what the fuck do i know..

just thought i leave a post so i could suggest champagne - nice and bubbly - ur plants will love it


however - i have heard that oxygen stimulates roots - in which way i do not know

uk WeeD

Well-Known Member
What's everyone's theory on Co2 from carbonated tonic water and what is the procedure for applying it to the plants?

use table water (fizzy water) you can get in tesco for like 8p a (2l) bottle or something ridiculous,
dunno bout watering them wit it though.


Well-Known Member
you should apply it by misting the plants. i did some research on this a little while back. get a mister from any garden centre and spray the leaves with it. make sure not to spray too much so there's drops of water on your leaves as this causes burns.


Well-Known Member
i have done it in the veg especiall for smaller clones but not tonic cus tat can have toxins go to the water isle in a store arrowhead makes a sparkiling non flavor water thats wat u want if u use it i found it didnt make a differnce


Yes, misting small amounts of sodium free carbonated water on your plant's fan leaves is a great poor man's method for boosting co2. I've done it with all my grows and find it much better, cheaper and easier than sugar/yeast method. I mist once a day during flowering just before my lights are scheduled to go off.