Co and wa legalized mj


In WA the state is going to liscense producers, processors, and retail distributers. At each step they add a 25% sales tax. If you are a retailer you cannot have an interest in the other two levels. It will still be illegal at the federal gov level. I would be very afraid of a large grow 99+ plants, but a smaller stealthy grow and process facility could be profitable. I think a combination of outdoor, greenhouse, and indoor could work quite well. Planning in earnest is underway....looking for a location for production and processing is first on the list.

still amazed by this vote.
Very true, although the state has long been taxing the businesses already, the tax rate is going up with these new regulations. It will surely drive up prices, but hopefully not too much. I do think that not allowing the producers, processors and retailers to be the same business is a mistake. What this comes down to is money, really. The state wants to get a cut every step of the way. This wouldn't be happening without the prospect of those taxes though, so it's good and bad at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Congrats CO and WA. Definitely anxious to see the feds next move. With mittens being elected I would be almost certain it would be negative reaction but since Obama is re-elected I'm hopeful.


Well-Known Member
From what I understand you still cant grow it legally. The state will control who grows, and it will probably be very limited. Just like it is illegal to produce moonshine it will still be illegal to just start up a grow op. I honestly believe that WHAT most voters saw was LEGALIZE WEED and voted yes. I dont think voters realized what it really says, (super high taxes and state controlled and regulated marijuana) I think Washington deserves better.


Active Member
I am tense, there is a lot going on the voters didn't realize... but there is ONE advantage to all this... my stepson can possess up to an ounce as long as it is not on public display or being used in public view without legal repercussion. But now all smokers gotta be careful about driving... And as a medical user's my wife and I won't be doing any driving soon.

The possession clause is supposed to go into effect december 6th, for washington.


Well-Known Member
I-502 states right in it.. Full FBI background screenings for any and all license issued ..
Correct .... The situation will be like alcohol.... regulated and taxed. Is this the law I want ..... no. Is it a step in the right direction.... absolutely.

The only organized group against 502 was from some mmj patients who do not want to see a change to their good thing. I hope the feds take the same
approach as they do with mmj and just back off. Time will tell but the genie is out of the bottle.


Well-Known Member
Being legal takes all the fun and cool out of it! You guys in Beaverton and South Park just turned into a buncha squares! No wait, Beaverton's in Oregon....:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
From what I understand you still cant grow it legally. The state will control who grows, and it will probably be very limited. Just like it is illegal to produce moonshine it will still be illegal to just start up a grow op. I honestly believe that WHAT most voters saw was LEGALIZE WEED and voted yes. I dont think voters realized what it really says, (super high taxes and state controlled and regulated marijuana) I think Washington deserves better.
Correct .... The situation will be like alcohol.... regulated and taxed. Is this the law I want ..... no. Is it a step in the right direction.... absolutely.

The only organized group against 502 was from some mmj patients who do not want to see a change to their good thing. I hope the feds take the same
approach as they do with mmj and just back off. Time will tell but the genie is out of the bottle.
Unless I 502 is a small stepping stone it is poor law. I feel sorry for this one being voted in. As a Californian I hope we are smarter when the time comes and it will. NO CULTIVATION, NO VOTE !


Well-Known Member
Being legal takes all the fun and cool out of it! You guys in Beaverton and South Park just turned into a buncha squares! No wait, Beaverton's in Oregon....:mrgreen:
yeah, jailtime for the pot grower is always "fun and cool".


Well-Known Member
I agree with the previous post about jail time. Until you can grow it openly and without fear of any law enforcement agents it is not truly legal.

When the state sets itself up to reap all the benefits and profits from an industy while criminalizing competition then there is an issue.


Well-Known Member
Unless I 502 is a small stepping stone it is poor law. I feel sorry for this one being voted in. As a Californian I hope we are smarter when the time comes and it will. NO CULTIVATION, NO VOTE !
That was it I think.. California would have passed Prop 19 but Prop 19 aimed at limiting us in how we Grow.. Very Un-Californian but as we see Very Coloradian

Now I think Lee and Friends learned a bit. So What Colorado was offered was a bit better than Prop 19 in my opinion. It will not, however, be good enough for California.


Baby steps. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. I love that marijuana is steamrolling* into the social norm, but society needs to get things figured out beforehand. It would be hilarious for the DEA to just drop the war on drugs and immediately see people all around the country openly smoking. Then just thinking about how many illegal dealers and growers there had to be around the country makes me smile.


Well-Known Member
I give it like 3 weeks veg, 12 weeks flowering, and like a month to dry and cure before herb gets really cheap, though on average it's not gonna be as good as now since there will be somewhere like a whole damn 10% of the whole fuckin' state growing and being noobs. Keep your red card or favorite connect, but hopefully I can use cheapass mids to make awesome edibles and roll 1 gram joints for 2$.