Club 600


Well-Known Member
I've been out of the R/C scene since I got married :-(
One of these days....

Man, I haven't done any reading up on them, but those brushless motors seems to rock pretty hard.
Yes if u get the right brushless motor and right Lipo battery they will rock nitro rc all day long and there a lot smoother than the nitro. I raced a nitro on the 1/8 th scale and brushless modified short course havnt raced 2wd in awhile


Well-Known Member
I thought I'd better post some seedling pR0n before I get kicked out of the club:
*the HPS makes them seem pale and the camera's white balance couldn't cope

Casey Jones



Well-Known Member
Doobs u should have the contractor build a closet to ur needs then pop some vent holes in and some plants and rock it he wnt know he just thinks u wnt a specific closet


Well-Known Member
yea heard it on my ipod riding this weekend. shit it has been kind of a crazy one. was about to unload my cabinet with my shit in it and the door screwed shut. about then the chief of police pulls in. talked to him for a min and introduced my self. i am in a very small community and the cops are very cool i hear which is great. after he left we brought my cabinet in and it would not go through the door where it was going. i had to take it apart f!#@ing blew.


Well-Known Member
will do m8 14 days exact the last ones and they have been the best and quickest i have ever done, shifting them on to invest in a pump with 4 outlets and 4 5" air stone disks to do more then 10 at a time


Well-Known Member
your root base is twerkin...doobs. I made some cheese surprise X extrema seeds and I sprouted 4.. the extrema male was the squattest branchiest male plant I ever seen. I also made c-99 X extrema got one female out side and that thing is going to be super frosty its nuts. DSt would be proud of my cheese surprise reveg bush also. Im tired of all talk n no pics man! I gues ima have to get out there with a lap top and get some pics cause thats all I got.. that things has been threw the works though! tough plant. its been alive for over a year.. from the low 40's to 100 degrees and from bein chopped to a few popcorn buds.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a monster to go through all that!
Those are the best kinds :-)

I'm going to pull out the seedling tomorrow so I can snap a pic of the hybrid airpot.
The first one I made I didn't bother with circling the pot with rope and the weight of the soil pushed out the sides so it looks like a bag of dirt.
The next two I did I added rope around the middle to keep it from spreading out as much and it works a bit better.
The next one I try I'm going to take my drill with a 2" hole cut saw to pop a bunch of holes around the pot to see if it helps the pot keep it's original shape after adding soil.

I'll let you know as soon as the faerie shows up and will post pics of the goodies he brought me. ;-)
And thanks!

Well, off to bed for me.
Shoulder is killing me. Calling my doctor next week to schedule an MRI to see what's actually going on, because the 12 ibuprofen ain't doing Jack Squatney except to mask the pain just enough to make me forget there's a bad problem, so I move it in the wrong way and the pain pretty much overwhelms me for about a minute or two.
Sucks getting old.
Like my pappy says: Gettin' old ain't for no sissies.