Closet CFL grow over heating... vent suggestions?


Active Member
I am starting my first grow, and so far I have been messing things up! I did not plan well enough for ventilation, and now one of my sprouts are dead, and the other one does not look well at all. I have more BID BUD seeds so I am not too concerned about losing them, but I need to fix this problem. Here is my setup -

In a nut shell, I am growing in a closet with 4 55 (actual) watt bulbs. I have 2 hydroponic DWC plants going with seeds already sprouting. I only have a big sized fan blowing upwards to circulate the are in the closet, while I open the door multiple times a day to replenish C02. I recently measured the temp next to the sprout and it was 105 degrees!

The closet I am in does not have any vents, and its in the basement so I cant vent from ceiling. I am having this grow be very secretive, so I don't want anything sticking out the crack of the door.

I was thinking about getting a CPU fan hooked up, and hook that to a funnel (so it takes in air through the funnel), and then have a tube that sticks in between the door crack, taking in hallway air. Think this would work? Any other suggestions or advice to help me out? THANKS!



Well-Known Member
a closet setup thats closed for most of the day with a 250w metal halide, flouro's and 220w high pressure sodium.... temps can be kept at 73 degrees. keep a fan pointed at the plants and another facing up towards the lights....heat rises. it can be pushed up.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I haven't tried this yet, but I was planning on doing it, because I can't drill holes in my walls either.Maybe it would help you.
I am starting my first grow, and so far I have been messing things up! I did not plan well enough for ventilation, and now one of my sprouts are dead, and the other one does not look well at all. I have more BID BUD seeds so I am not too concerned about losing them, but I need to fix this problem. Here is my setup -

In a nut shell, I am growing in a closet with 4 55 (actual) watt bulbs. I have 2 hydroponic DWC plants going with seeds already sprouting. I only have a big sized fan blowing upwards to circulate the are in the closet, while I open the door multiple times a day to replenish C02. I recently measured the temp next to the sprout and it was 105 degrees!

The closet I am in does not have any vents, and its in the basement so I cant vent from ceiling. I am having this grow be very secretive, so I don't want anything sticking out the crack of the door.

I was thinking about getting a CPU fan hooked up, and hook that to a funnel (so it takes in air through the funnel), and then have a tube that sticks in between the door crack, taking in hallway air. Think this would work? Any other suggestions or advice to help me out? THANKS!



Well-Known Member
this seems easy, I'm going to have to find a fan and get some copper tubing. Where do I get the styrofoam jug thing tho. walmart?


Active Member
Thanks for all the advice! I hooked up two fans in there, one blowing on the plants, and then one blowing the air up top. I hope this is working, cause I might just be able to save my sprout so I wont have to regerminate that one. That home made air conditioner I think just might be a little to much/big to but in my really crowded closet. Thanks again for taking a look! I am going to wait some hours and see how the temp is, and update with the results!


Active Member
I just checked the temperature, and I got it to a constant 90 Degrees. Is this too hot still? 105 degrees to 90 is quite an improvement, but still seems high. Here are the fans I added...



Well-Known Member
i dont understand all these people having problems with temps using cfl lighting, i had 200w in my closet and it was never ever a problem, i could have the lights an inch from the plants. now i have a 400w mh in there, it gets up to 100 if its all closed up and no fans are going, but i always have a fan near the openin of the closet and on the floor to blow cooler air up to the plants.

as long as you have a fan going over the top of your plants they should be fine, maybe get one that can just stay on the lights and it will take care of it.


Well-Known Member
also i try to keep the door open a few inches at least if not all the way durring the day, close it all the way when its dark.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I had problems with heat with cfl's,even with a fan.Some folks can't keep their door open because of kids,pets,etc.Must be bad room syndrome,lol.


Active Member
Ha ha yea. I guess I'll have to try to keep the door open. I want this grow to be discreet as possible, so I guess I'll have to stop inviting buddys over to toke everyday :-( I guess its the sacrifice us growers have to make!


Well-Known Member
Cheap CFLs have cheap ballasts/phosphors and generate more heat. I got these K-Lite(bought uhm at the grocery store) brand bulbs. Absolute shit. Way too hot, and around half the plant growth(seedlings->3 weeks). Switched them out for GE Daylights and they're much more vigorous now.

Walmart has tons of them(GE) for cheap.


Active Member
Yea thats what I think is wrong, I think the CFL lights I got have cheap ballasts. They output much more heat that I anticipated. I just need to find some good VEG CFLs that are 55 (actual) watt or higher, or make due with what I have until I get my flowering lights (found some 65 actual watt ones at Lowes that are GE brand)