

Well-Known Member
I got the cloning gel I got the soil I got the pot's I just dont know how to do it If anyone could brake it down for me I would really apreciate it I tryed the FAQ's but couldnt find anything maybe I didnt look hard enough but if you can help me Id apreciate it THanks


Well-Known Member
its not hard man...

people make the shit too hard

i cut at an angle...i wont start lying and say its exactly 45 degrees cuz it wont always be perfect....but just cut at an angle... once you cut.... take a knife or something sharp and scrap the bottom of the stem...scrap it upwords... almost like you scratching the grey shit off the lotto tickets....dip in cloning gel (which REALLY isnt needed)

and wahhhllaaaaa

should root around 7-10 days


Well-Known Member
ok first make sure you got your gear setup including your pots with soil in them a clean razor blade or exacto knife some rubbing alcohol and a clean towel or rag. first dip your knife or blade in rubbing alcohol to sterilize it. then wipe it off real good then you need to choose your clone:mrgreen: choose one that is good and healthy and has thick strong stalk preferably a older one as it is more mature and stronger. then you want to cut below atleast 2 nodes and have only a top with two fan leaves. then cut at a 45 degree angle and quicly i mean quick put it in the gel and saturate it good then into the soil and cover it good then use a spray bottle to moisten the soil and leaves and then cover with a clear top thats vented and use a low wattage blue 6500k spectrum light bulb to light it and spray the leaves reguarly to cause it helps them absorb water better cause there roots arnt developed yet.
check this link it will help explain alot of ? you probably have.
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