
I have waited til my grow has been in flowering for 2 weeks and I have determined the sex of the plants before i am going to clone. I wanna take my cuttings tomorrow but I was wondering if I should try to avoid cuttings that already have white hairs growing or does it even matter because they are going to go right into a vegetative enviornment???

any help is appreciated

Mr. Limpet

Well-Known Member
either way they are gonna take longer that regular clones cause they will have to revert back to veg. But dont wait any longer take em now
ok sounds like a plan... i guess I will just cut'em now... TY Mr. more question though. How long should I wait to take clones from these once they start vegging and growing?


Well-Known Member
mark sure that u keep things sterile, if ur plants are already flowering it would be a shame for u to keep losing clones due to cross contamination and then end up having it to late to keep the strain. Its from personal experience and its necessary.
yea i have been cleaning every damn thing before everything i do... i was suggested by someone before just as u have suggested to me bigol'bong...i decided i for sure didnt want to lose any plants to not keepin my s*** clean. thx