Cloning without rooting hormone..


Well-Known Member
What other ways are there to get a cut off of your plant to root without using rooting hormone?, i want to clone this plant i have from a branch off of it and i dont got any rooting hormone, PLEASE HELP:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
augh i did that last time but i didnt have the patience, dont you just put it in and cover one node up then just let it sit for about a month and itll root?


Well-Known Member
ya....i havent cloned yet, but as long as u have high humidity and 24/0 should root within 2 weeks....I believe the rooting hormones soften it up and quickens the process....

LeRoy JaBluntski

Well-Known Member
cut a clone about 3-4 inches with 3 nodes and cut two of the nodes off. take a sterile razor and lightly scrape the lower portion. fill up a cup of water to the top cover with aluminum foil and poke a little hole in it to put the clone in. it usually takes me about 7-10 days until it has enough roots to plant. good luck.


Well-Known Member
Have a willow tree around or have you seen one around your area? Take some tender new growth off it and let it steep in a clear container in some water on a hot day. This Willow water contains awesome rooting hormones! and its free! Dip your cuttings in it and water your rooting medium with it. You can always do it without cloning gel to just might take a little longer.