Cloning technics


Well-Known Member
in my clone room i keep the temp around 80-85is. the hotter temp make more evaporation in the dome and therefor more "natural misting" lol
about 90% of books,forums,etc.. will tell you to put a heating pad under your clone dome. raising room temp eliminates the need to do so.


New Member
No, ideally you would want to use a CFL (compact florescent light) and try to keep your humidity dome in an environment where temps are pretty consistent, say around 77 degrees.

T5 lights promote the most vigorous root growth of any lighting available today.

Here is one of my girls three weeks after being snipped from the mommie.

T5's are pretty cool so they can be put as close as you want, but are powerful enough to be several feet away.

T5 lights cause "stacking",



New Member
Hey Touchet! Very nice! Thanks for adding to this thread!

As always, anything to help another grower.Using T5 lights for your cutting and seedlings really does cause the most root structure to form. Hands down. I recently took the pics of the plant in the one inch cube so a friend could compare to his MH lights and cuttings. NOT EVEN CLOSE folks, not even close. MH lights will soon be a thing of the past, or "old school"

I recently did a small step by step of me cloning in my journal, the owner of this thread can check it out and decide if you want any of my stuff over here. I also am making a vid today to help answer some ongoing questions about cloning. Let me know what you want specifically in the vid and I'll make sure its in there.
As always, anything to help another grower.Using T5 lights for your cutting and seedlings really does cause the most root structure to form. Hands down. I recently took the pics of the plant in the one inch cube so a friend could compare to his MH lights and cuttings. NOT EVEN CLOSE folks, not even close. MH lights will soon be a thing of the past, or "old school"

I recently did a small step by step of me cloning in my journal, the owner of this thread can check it out and decide if you want any of my stuff over here. I also am making a vid today to help answer some ongoing questions about cloning. Let me know what you want specifically in the vid and I'll make sure its in there.
Sure Touchet! Add anything you think is important. :)

Ganja Geek

Active Member
i just cut at an angle, scar stem, dip in rootone, put 2-3 inches into soil. put inder homemade dome.
done it 3 times with 100% success rate
first time i did 3,then4, then 9
people make cloning way to complicated.....
What do you mean scar the stem and do u guys think rockwool would work better then party cups of soil?


Well-Known Member
when i say scar the stem, i mean to scrape it with a razor blade. you jus wanna scrape the skin of stem off a lil, dont wanna mutilate it or anything lol

and iv never used rockwool, i use party cups with soil everytime so someone else will have to answer that.
when i say scar the stem, i mean to scrape it with a razor blade. you jus wanna scrape the skin of stem off a lil, dont wanna mutilate it or anything lol

and iv never used rockwool, i use party cups with soil everytime so someone else will have to answer that.
What do you mean scar the stem and do u guys think rockwool would work better then party cups of soil?
I have never used party cups and soil, only rockwool 1x1's. So it seems that either way you go you should have success. (SHOULD) :)


Active Member
question... I have some clones in rapid rooter, and they have almost been at a standstill for about 2 weeks. No roots yet, and I have them on a heating pad(which I bought about 3-4 days after the cut) and a humidity dome (bootleg one that only started getting sufficient humidity after the heating pad. Should I just give up on these and start fresh? I have a mother that is about 1.5 weeks into flowering, but I can revert her clones back to veg right?
Started 8 in gro/dan macroplugs under a dome. Used rooting gel (cant remember brand(one use package))1 was dead next day, 2 weeks later, dome off remaining 7 rooted and under 90w UFO about 2 feet above plants. They look happy! Will put in soil this week. kept plugs moist and dome sprayed. It was easy for first attempt. When should I put them under HPS (400w)? How far from light? Roots almost to end of plug. The plugs killed the sprouts I was planing to use for my next mother plant so started more in soil and they are up now. If second attempt goes this well, I'll get more expensive seeds (hash plant now).
question... I have some clones in rapid rooter, and they have almost been at a standstill for about 2 weeks. No roots yet, and I have them on a heating pad(which I bought about 3-4 days after the cut) and a humidity dome (bootleg one that only started getting sufficient humidity after the heating pad. Should I just give up on these and start fresh? I have a mother that is about 1.5 weeks into flowering, but I can revert her clones back to veg right?
What medium do you have them in? how do they look right now?


Active Member
If using Rockwool, how moist do you keep the medium? I have some sitting on an air stone with water BARELY touching the bottom of the cube. Then I have some that are just in a tray with a dome over them.


Well-Known Member
If using Rockwool, how moist do you keep the medium? I have some sitting on an air stone with water BARELY touching the bottom of the cube. Then I have some that are just in a tray with a dome over them.
iv never used Rockwool myself, but i have read many times that you want them to b completely moist, but not drenched or soaked.
iv never used Rockwool myself, but i have read many times that you want them to b completely moist, but not drenched or soaked.
Basicly, you want to soak the cubes overnight in PH'd water. Then I put mine into the dome with a heat pad underneath. The water from the cubes will evaporate and keep the RH inside the dome perfect. I don't add any water at all for about a week. The cube will start to get dry'ish and make the clone go looking for water. Of course you don't want the cubes to get real dry. I had 100% success on my last batch within 7-9 days. :)


Well-Known Member
hell yea man, sounds alot easier then meticulously misting n watering clones in soil lol
im looking to using rockwool instead of soil because im goin hydro =]
it takes alot of complications outta the equation ya kno.
hell yea man, sounds alot easier then meticulously misting n watering clones in soil lol
im looking to using rockwool instead of soil because im goin hydro =]
it takes alot of complications outta the equation ya kno.
For sure Jumbo. Have you only used soil up to this point? I can save you a lot of head aches if you want some advise.