Cloning Questions


Well-Known Member
Ok this is my very first cloning attempt they are currently 3 days old, I have done some reading on it but I still have a few questions.

What is the ideal temp for clones?

What is the minimum light in hrs that a clone needs or can take? Mine are in the same closet as my other plants (currently in veg 18/6) and I want to start flowering them (12/12), can I leave them in there (just until they root) with out hurting them or having them go into flower?

Also I have been told there are too many fan leafs on my clones, is this true? And if so, would it hurt them to cut them off now?

Take a look, any comments or suggestions are appreciated :mrgreen:


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hey Rib...

ideally yo want at least 18 hours of light.. yes, they will root with 12.... but you should avaid using this technique.. there is a small chacne you could cause them to turn hermi... yikes

you are using a very very difficult medium to clone... soil is the hardest.. although, your clones look fooking GREAT mate.. leaving the fan leaves is FINE... the concern with leavig the FAN leaves on is that the plant will LOOSE to much moisture through transpiration and since the clone does not have roots it can not get more moisture...

you can always use a dome or wilt spray to kee the moisture in..

I like to keep clones at 75 degrees... take the dome off daily for at least a few minutes to avoid mold...

The problem wth soil.. is trying to keep it moist enough without letting the soil get soggy.... rockwool cubes are nice.. casue you can see the roots come out the bottom or side of the cube.. andthen you can celebrate your success :) LOL

Wilt spray is god send... it is the easiest way to clone... once you try it... you will be sold...

cheers and thanks for all the great photos!!
