cloning question?


Active Member
ive just done a few clones from my motherplant but ive nowhere to put them
will they be ok at the bottom of the motherplant inside the pot ?
my soil level is 2"nchs from the top of the pot and i have the cuttings in root riot cubes just sitting under the foilage of the mother with not much light from my 400hps getting to them as the foilage is quite thick any help welcome cheers.


There's treachery afoot
ive just done a few clones from my motherplant but ive nowhere to put them
will they be ok at the bottom of the motherplant inside the pot ?
my soil level is 2"nchs from the top of the pot and i have the cuttings in root riot cubes just sitting under the foilage of the mother with not much light from my 400hps getting to them as the foilage is quite thick any help welcome cheers.
I grow mostly from clones and find that they do considerably better under low light conditions. Not sure about the HPS as I typically use flourescent lighting to start the clones. I have a friend who uses all HPS for his clones and keeps them on the floor below his vegging plants until they root. guess I would try it and just keep a close eye on them then once they root, get them closer to the light.


Active Member
I grow mostly from clones and find that they do considerably better under low light conditions. Not sure about the HPS as I typically use flourescent lighting to start the clones. I have a friend who uses all HPS for his clones and keeps them on the floor below his vegging plants until they root. guess I would try it and just keep a close eye on them then once they root, get them closer to the light.
thanks thats very helpful as at the moment ive nowhere else for them, they arent getting that much light as ive got them under the fan leafs kind of .
when u say ur friend just puts them straight in under the hps does he use a propogator or just sitting??
the other problem with me doing them like this is the %rh isnt very high but temp is at a steady 78f-86f `the %rh is only at around 45%rh is this ok? thanks


There's treachery afoot
My friend cut clones from the mother, sets them in a glass of water, then dips in rooting hormone and puts them right into miracle grow. I do the same but with Scotts potting soil. I keep my humidity around 45%, he has to run dehunidifiers to keep his down. We have a pretty good prop. rate with about 80% rooting. So no fancy clone starter set up, just a little soil and some light. Keeping it simple has always worked best for us.


Active Member
My friend cut clones from the mother, sets them in a glass of water, then dips in rooting hormone and puts them right into miracle grow. I do the same but with Scotts potting soil. I keep my humidity around 45%, he has to run dehunidifiers to keep his down. We have a pretty good prop. rate with about 80% rooting. So no fancy clone starter set up, just a little soil and some light. Keeping it simple has always worked best for us.
have you hard of doing a 5o/50%mix of perlite/vermiculite as im going for some new stuff tommorrow and want to get the best results
at the present im using bio-biz allmix a really expensive soil do you think that would do as ive just done a few cuttings in it today
before ive been using root 2 gel hormone? with root riot but 10 days on no sign of any roots
thanks alot for all your help im growing cheese (clone only) its a very unique strain and i dont want to lose it, its the best ive ever smoked the stuffs amazing!!


There's treachery afoot
I have heard of mixing the two but have not tried it. I have had such good sucess keeping it simple, I have been to worried of the results to try another way....but in your case, you want the best results as you don't want to lose the clones...I can always get more so if I lose a few, no biggie. I have heard that root gel works better than powders and have read that scarring the base of the stem that goes into the soil puts more potential root area in direct contact with the grow medium. I usually cut the clones off the mother with a scalpel, then immediately put in water to prevent any air from getting into the stem. I then keep the end of the stem in the water and scrape off the outside layer, about an inch and a half up from the base of the stem with
the scalpel. I would think a razor blade would do the same. Mine take about three to four weeks to root well before I repot. I did take a stab at cloning a plant that was in flower, about two weeks before harvesting just to see what would happen. I only cloned two but one made it so now we can clone our new lady...Sour Diesel...yipee! Good luck!!!